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Building on Our Work With The Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA)

healthcare_housestethescopeOpportunities & Challenges for Health Centers


Partnerships between health and housing system stakeholders are uniquely poised to address the social and health factors impacting quality of life for so-called frequent users (also known as super utilizers) of our communities’ crisis and high cost resources. Health and housing partnerships can ultimately result in lower costs to the health system by providing an essential connection to preventive primary and behavioral health care. However, these collaborations are not without challenges as the vastly different practice cultures of the health and housing sectors collide.


Connecting Health & Housing Reduces Costs, Improves Outcomes

The 10th Decile Project in Los Angeles County is a collaborative effort to connect super utilizers of emergency health services to housing and appropriate routine care. The program is addressing the needs of the highest-cost, highest-need individuals experiencing homelessness in the community. This new profile of the Project highlights the goals, challenges, opportunities and outcomes to date. It is a must read for health providers and any community looking to connect housing and healthcare to improve lives while reducing costs.


CSH HRSA Training & Technical Assistance Program

Health Center Training & Technical Assistance offered by CSH


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