Policy and Advocacy
CSH advocates for thriving communities across the nation where everyone has a safe place to call home. CSH believes in common-sense, non-partisan policies that are grounded in evidence-based approaches, address long-standing inequities, and reduce taxpayer costs associated with expensive emergency services and institutional care.
Our Policy and Advocacy Priorities
Housing, Services, and Economic Security
CSH collaborates with policymakers, community leaders, people with lived experience, and professionals in the supportive housing field to advance local, state, and federal policies. Policy that advances safe, accessible, affordable housing with the supports people need is what helps move people from surviving to thriving.
We advocate for policies that promote thriving communities with affordable housing and services at the center, and economic security and mobility for people living or working in supportive housing. Alongside a nationwide network of multi-sector partners, we develop cost-effective policy solutions rooted in data and conduct non-partisan advocacy to advance our policy priorities.
Our three policy priority areas:
Increase Affordable and Supportive Housing Development and Preservation
- We advocate for improvements to the LIHTC program to increase funding for extremely low income individuals and preserving existing units.
- We advocate for increased funding to federal and state FY24/25 appropriations that adequately support deeply affordable, supportive housing, and preservation.
- We advocate for efforts that reduce barriers to housing.
Increase the availability of and access to supportive services.
- We advocate for adequate and ongoing funding for services and to improve how services are delivered.
Increase economic security for supportive housing tenants and workforce.
- We advocate for the economic security of people living in supportive housing by promoting their financial well-being.
- We advocate for fair wages and the improvement of working conditions for those working in the supportive housing field.
Our Current Advocacy Actions
Effective policy is the cornerstone of advancing supportive housing. By addressing homelessness and fostering long-term stability through the integration of support services with affordable housing, we save public resources and promote thriving communities.
Learn more about our current policy actions and join us in making a difference today!

Our Non-Partisan Policy Solutions
Our policy solutions guide policymakers for informed decision-making and meaningful non-partisan legislative action.
Join us to advocate for affordable housing and services.
We believe in the power of collective action to drive positive change. We invite you to sign up for our Advocacy Action Alerts. Our Action Alerts give you real-time updates and ways to make your voice heard in your city councils, statehouses, and in the halls of Congress.
What you can expect when you sign up:
- Stay Informed: Receive periodic updates on policy and legislative developments that impact your community.
- Make Your Voice Heard: Take action and influence policy decisions that matter to you. You’ll receive sign-on opportunities for critical legislation and ways to directly connect with policymakers where you live.