
Request for Proposal (RFP) for Enterprise Risk Management Consulting Services

Corporation for Supportive Housing (“CSH”) is undertaking the establishment of an Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) program that will provide the knowledge and framework to identify and evaluate emerging risks. CSH seeks proposals from qualified firms or individuals to provide ERM consulting services. The ideal consultant will have demonstrated the ability to: design and launch a program that combines existing risk management practices; provide an explanation in familiar terms of how enterprise risk management can benefit CSH, and facilitate conversations around the topic of risk for all stakeholders.

Founded in 1991, CSH’s mission is to advance solutions that use housing as a platform for services to improve the lives of the most vulnerable people, maximize public resources and build healthy communities.  Our work stems from our fundamental belief that supportive housing—affordable housing combined with services—is the solution to ending homelessness for those individuals who face the most complex challenges, such as physical and behavioral health conditions and substance use disorders.  Read more about CSH online at www.csh.org.

Scope of Services

The Scope of Services as described below shall require the Consultant to drive and provide these key deliverables:

1) Conduct a comprehensive risk assessment including stakeholder interviews and surveys, articulation of drivers, triggers and consequences, and clearly define risk ratings’ impact and likelihood.

2) Provide advice and recommendations for an ERM framework.

3) Assist CSH in developing a risk classification that can be used across the organization to provide a common understanding of the universe of risks.

4) Provide training, skills, and knowledge transfer to help build a common understanding of risk.

Further, deliverables from the Consultant shall include, at a minimum:

1) An implementation roadmap that sets out the paths forward towards achieving each of the above-listed requirements:

  • An assessment framework
  • Risk register templates

Proposal Requirements & Selection Process

  1. Please provide a brief overview of your firm and its core services, explaining how ERM consulting fits into your service mix.
  2. Please provide an overview of your ERM consulting approach, specifically addressing: (a) activities involved; (b) requirements of CSH (i.e., people, resources, and time commitments); (c) substance and format of your output and reporting; (d) priorities and recommended initial steps; (e) process components that surface risk expertise from multiple areas of our organization, build consensus, and lead to action plans.
  3. How does your methodology promote success and sustained value from an ERM program?
  4. Describe the ERM education and training you offer.
  5. How do you determine correlations between risks?
  6. How does your methodology consider Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) risk factors?
  7. Please identify the personnel who would conduct this engagement, describing their roles and educational and professional qualifications. Please identify any other resources within your firm that could help us manage risk. If you expect to outsource any portion of this engagement to project partners, please identify them and describe their specific roles, bearing in mind that we expect your firm will shoulder 100% accountability for the success of the engagement, as well as for any acts, errors, or omissions in the provision of services.
  8. Please provide a draft project timeline.
  9. What impediments to success have you encountered in other ERM consulting engagements – and how have you surmounted them? Please provide at least two client references whom we may consult about their experiences, including each principal contact’s name and title, email, and best phone number.
  10. Please provide your cost proposal, including any discounts for multi-phase engagement, and clearly delineate any services that would not be included in your scope of work.

Please submit your proposal electronically in Adobe PDF format no later than the close of business on May 24, 2022, to:

Eileen Hawes, Chief Financial Officer
Corporation for Supportive Housing
Mobile (646) 369-4468

Although generalized promotional literature is welcomed, it may not substitute for original narrative responses to the questions posed in Section II.  We reserve the right to disqualify any proposal for lack of responsiveness or specificity.

All expenses associated with proposal preparation and presentation, including travel, shall be borne by the respondents.

Following the evaluation of all proposals, we may invite oral presentations, the dates, and times to be scheduled as mutually convenient.  We expect to select our consultant by June 10, 2022.

The Consultant can be located anywhere in the United States, and the services may be provided virtually.

Please note that CSH requires subcontractors, including individuals and sole proprietors, to carry workers’ compensation insurance and Commercial General Liability (CGL) insurance while performing work under a CSH subcontract.  CSH subcontractors cannot have existing, pending, or expired debarments that preclude them from doing business with the United States government and cannot have convictions for, nor have any pending indictments for, fraud or a criminal offense in connection with a public contract or subcontract. 

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