
Request for Proposal (RFP): Supportive Housing Providers in Ohio

CSH is currently seeking proposals from Columbus/Franklin County only. Incorporated nonprofits and 501(c) (3) organizations can apply independently or with another nonprofit. CSH encourages partnerships among organizations, with one serving as the contracting entity.

History of Program

In 2007, the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction (ODRC) and CSH introduced a pilot supportive housing initiative called Returning Home Ohio (RHO) to serve individuals with a disability being released from state correctional institutions experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness. The initiative used supportive housing to prevent homelessness and reduce recidivism for individuals returning to Ohio’s communities.

Through the initiative, ODRC and CSH selected several nonprofit organizations to demonstrate how supportive housing can reduce an offender’s return to the criminal justice system and prevent homelessness. During the pilot, an evaluation was completed, which ended June 30, 2012. A two-page executive summary of the evaluation is available for review.
On July 1, 2012, RHO became an ongoing program of ODRC.

Current Program Overview

Returning Home Ohio is a permanent supportive housing model offering a cost-effective combination of safe, affordable housing with a range of supportive services that helps participants live stable, independent and healthy lives. Individualized voluntary supportive services are available to each person depending on their strengths, resources, needs, and barriers. Each participant has a unique supportive services plan with goals that focus on self-sufficiency and housing stability. Linkages and partnerships with local resources and community organizations, such as housing authorities, material assistance providers, mental health agencies, etc can provide options for services and continued rental subsidies.

Special Conditions

The budget for this request is $215,000. Responses to this RFP are specific to services in Franklin County/Columbus, Ohio. The organization chosen will replace YMCA of Central Ohio, which is currently running a single site RHO program and moving out of its location. The YMCA has been a dedicated RHO partner since the program’s inception. The total number of units contracted will depend on the budget configuration determined by the applicant. The organization must be able to fully transition the program by July 1, 2022, and work collaboratively with the YMCA until all clients are transferred.

Each applicant must be able to:

  • Understand and effectively respond to the population’s diverse needs.
  • Conduct outreach to ODRC institutions and within the local Continuum of Care and homeless provider agencies to identify and assess eligible offenders and determine the offender’s compatibility with the organization’s program.
  • Offer voluntary supportive services and partner with community agencies to develop a comprehensive array of supportive services.
  • Provide housing options that meet housing quality standards and access to appropriate amenities.
  • Demonstrate relationships with private landlords that are willing to serve the target population.
  • Provide qualified staff and supervision to mediate tenant-landlord disputes, problem-solve, inspect units, and work in a team approach with recovery services staff.
  • Provide and retain detailed financial accounting of payments issued and retain documentation of client eligibility and housing unit eligibility.
  • Provide necessary transition services to current RHO tenants being served through the YMCA.
  • Plan and coordinate the transition of current RHO tenants effectively and efficiently with the YMCA, ensuring the least amount of impact to the tenants.


  • Applicants should submit a full proposal (Narrative, Program Capacity, and Proposed Budget) electronically.
  • CSH must receive proposals and all attachments via email by Monday, April 18, 2022, by 4:00 p.m. EST.
  • The full proposal should be sent to Terri D. Power at terri.power@csh.org.

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