
CSH Knowledge Cafe on Aging Focuses on Housing Needs of Older New Yorkers

This past Monday, close to 90 stakeholders representing academia, advocacy, New York state and city government, philanthropy, service and housing providers, developers, health systems, managed care, membership organizations and intermediaries joined together at Deutsche Bank on Wall Street in Manhattan for the CSH-sponsored Senior Homelessness + Housing Solutions Knowledge Café & Policy Forum. As leaders in issues and services that directly impact older New Yorkers, these participants:

· Examined the recent growth in elder homelessness and housing insecurity.

· Explored innovative state and city housing programs to address the growing housing and service needs of older New Yorkers.

· Heard and learned from peer stakeholders about their experiences and ideas to implement policy and system changes that prioritize the needs of highly vulnerable older adults.

As demonstrated in a recent study, The Emerging Crisis of Aged Homelessness, housing insecurity and homelessness among older adults in New York City and elsewhere throughout the country are reaching acute levels, and will only continue to grow over the next decade.

This day-long knowledge exchange shed light on these demographic trends, including the economic and policy forces driving them.

Throughout the convening, panelists engaged with audience members to discuss how to leverage existing, and garner new, resources to ensure vulnerable older adults are able to access safe, affordable housing with appropriate services. Everyone in attendance remained focused on creating a framework where older New Yorkers have housing opportunities and then can thrive as they age in supportive housing.

The Senior Homelessness + Housing Solutions Knowledge Café & Policy Forum panels were divided into three important topic areas:

 Panel 1 – National Landscape: Understanding the Trends

 Panel 2 – Opportunities for Healthy Aging in NYC

 Panel 3 – Looking Forward, Action for a Thrive Framework

Much of the policy and program work and materials CSH accomplishes that are focused on the unique needs of the aging population is supported through a generous grant from the AARP Foundation.

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