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All the News from #CSHSummit19 & Much More!


Over the next few days, 800 leaders in housing, philanthropy, finance, healthcare, child welfare, substance use treatment, education, and community development and planning, are “Connecting the Dots” at the fifth annual CSH Summit in Indianapolis, Indiana. CSH Summit 2019 is all about bringing policymakers and doers together to build and cement partnerships across multiple sectors for the purpose of addressing a number of challenges facing our communities today. Participants are poised to extend the collaborative efforts that have made supportive housing so effective by expanding them beyond the traditional sectors of housing, homelessness and healthcare. #CSHSummit19 is reaching into other community services and sectors to ensure every individual and family needing help gets the proper supports and attention they deserve.

Summit Keynote Challenges Us for Change

Award-winning author and analyst Anand Giridharadas is delivering a keynote presentation at CSH Summit 2019 in Indianapolis today. Anand is the author of the New York Times best seller Winners Take All: The Elite Charade of Changing the World, The True American (soon to be a feature film), and India Calling. He is an editor-at-large for TIME, was a foreign correspondent and columnist for The New York Times from 2005 to 2016, and has also written for The Atlantic, The New Yorker, and The New Republic. He is a former McKinsey analyst, an Aspen Institute fellow, a visiting scholar at the Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute at New York University, an on-air political analyst for MSNBC. He has spoken on the main stage of TED.

At Summit? Speak Up!

If you are attending #CSHSummit19 or just planning to be in Indianapolis this evening, you are encouraged to experience “Good Things Happen When We Speak Up!” Through their captivating personal stories, CSH Speak Up! Advocates share their struggles with homelessness and how they found stability, recovery, and dignity in supportive housing. Join CSH, a national nonprofit organization that champions supportive housing, and the Central Indiana Community Foundation as we hear directly from our Advocates and connect with them and their triumphs over trauma. The event begins at 6pm tonight and is being held at the Indiana Repertory Theater, 140 W. Washington Street, Indianapolis. Please RSVP. Come be with us and be moved beyond words!

Live from CSH Summit: Award Announced

As #CSHSummit19 began, we learned the 2019 HUD Secretary’s Award for Public-Philanthropic Partnerships has been awarded to the Accelerating Permanent Supportive Housing Initiative, an innovative effort that includes CSH and is designed to address the state of emergency on homelessness facing the City of Los Angeles. The partners in the Initiative – the California Community Foundation (CCF), Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, The Kresge Foundation, Weingart Foundation, CSH, and the City of Los Angeles – have finalized funding commitments for a multi-sector investment to substantially increase the number of supportive housing units throughout the region.

Summit Sponsors Make Connections Happen

CSH is grateful for the generous support of all of our Summit sponsors. They are an integral part of the Summit itself as well as ongoing efforts to build the partnerships that strengthen our communities, and move them from crisis and chaos to resiliency and thriving. The reach of our CSH Summit sponsors extends beyond the conference experience in Indianapolis and touches thousands of decision-makers who shape housing, healthcare, child welfare, justice, education, workforce development, and other important policy areas on the federal, state, and local levels. If you are attending #CSHSummit19 and see one of our sponsors, please say Hello and Thank them for their support.

Our Focus on Equity

Several CSH Summit 2019 sessions have focused on equity and it is a topic on the minds of many of our attendees. CSH is committed to action on equity and we have posted an announcement for the new position of CSH Equity, Inclusion and Diversity Director. This is a two-year fellowship at the Director level designed to assist CSH in further developing and implementing our equity agenda. Interested applicants can find more details about the position here. Equity, and an intentional focus on it, is essential to our broader progress and is prioritized in our new Strategic Plan. This requires us to look inward and externally at our work, and to consider how we can strengthen our approaches and results, and generate greater impact for everyone in the community.

Post-Summit for Property Managers

Calling all property managers of supportive housing! Please join us for a series of 3 instructor-led webinars covering the nuts and bolts of effectively managing supportive housing properties. Classes start on Wednesday, May 22 and include: Driving Success Through Collaboration; Preventing Evictions Through Lease Enforcement; Creating Your Property Management Dream Team. Pricing is $125.00 per registrant. A bulk discount is possible. Email: to find out. Please note this series is included in CSH Subscription for free! Upon completion, participants receive a certificate that can be printed from the Online Training Center.

Professional Development Made Easy

Join our subscriber community for exclusive and tailored training, materials, coaching and much more. CSH Subscription advances your professional development and grows your network connections. Not only do you get comprehensive training on quality affordable and supportive housing and services, CSH Subscription also gives you access to far-reaching national learning communities, direct communication with experts at CSH to support your specific work, and exclusive previews of reports and other materials.  Sign up today for our Subscription Package or reach out to us at for a group rate.

Thank You JW Marriott Indy

The management and staff of the JW Marriott Indianapolis, our #CSHSummit19 venue, have worked hard to accommodate CSH and our guests before and during our national conference. Soaring 33 stories above the downtown area, the JW Marriott has ample ballroom space and break-out rooms, and beautiful guest suites. Our Summit participants have been pampered by attention and amenities, and we extend our gratitude to the management and staff of JW Marriott for helping to make our stay in Indianapolis a memorable success. You can learn more about the JW Marriott by clicking here.

Follow Summit News on WIBC & WBAA

Radio stations WIBC 93.1 FM in Indianapolis and WBAA 101.3 FM/ 920 AM Purdue are covering CSH Summit 2019 during their respective news cycles. Listen in to either station to hear periodic reports on Summit events and progress. Other earned media from #CSHSummit19 will be featured in the next regular edition of the CSH Homefront newsletter. You also can follow Summit on social media @CSHInfo (Twitter) and @cshorg (Facebook). And don’t forget the hashtag #CSHSummit19 on social media. Click the LinkedIn and Instagram icons on our CSH Website homepage ( for more great pics and information from Summit!

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