Join our 2018-2019 Healthcare Learning Collaboratives
CSH is a technical assistance provider through the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), promoting strategies for health centers to improve healthcare access, housing stability and outcomes for patients experiencing homelessness.
Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) Academy
The Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) Academy is launching four Learning Collaboratives that will provide a shared experience for smaller cohorts of health centers, Health Care Controlled Networks, and Primary Care Associations. The Learning Collaboratives will focus on transforming care to better meet the socioeconomic circumstances and non-clinical needs of vulnerable populations through closer examinations of rural care, workforce, Medicaid policies, and cross-sector partnerships. The Social Determinants of Health Academy Application date has been extended to October 2, 2018 at 8:00 pm.
Health Center and Supportive Housing Capital Expansion Learning Collaborative
In partnership with Capital Link, this learning collaborative explores health center capital expansion including supportive housing creation. Learn how to build the right partnerships for planning expansion and pursuing resources. Register here for the upcoming October 24, 2018 informational webinar.
Youth Homelessness Learning Collaborative
Youth experiencing homelessness face a unique set of health and housing challenges. Dive into their needs with an emphasis on LGBTQ youth, best practices in providing care, and the intersection of health, behavioral health, and housing for this vulnerable population. Register here and take a survey here for the first collaborative webinar on October 23, 2018.
Community Health Workers with Lived Experience Learning Collaborative
Details soon! In partnership with MHP Salud and National Healthcare for the Homeless Council, this learning collaborative is for health centers interested in developing and enhancing community health worker training programs that include the participation of those with lived experience.
Improving Health Outcomes thru Diabetes Care
CSH and the National Health Care for Homeless Council are providing free training and technical assistance to supportive housing serving tenants with unmanaged diabetes, one of the leading causes of death in the nation. In addition, research shows higher medical expenditures are associated with those diagnosed with the disease than those without it. Housing, coupled with quality, integrated health care and culturally-responsive health education, is integral in reducing the burden of diabetes for the most vulnerable individuals with complex care needs. Supportive housing providers interested in applying to participate in this Learning Community should complete this survey by October 19.