As Congress addresses FY18 and FY19 federal appropriations, CSH is asking your organization to help us advance key priorities. We are fighting to protect and expand important federal appropriations integral to the creation and sustainability of supportive housing, including: McKinney-Vento, HOME, CDFI, National Housing Trust Fund, Capital Magnet Fund, Public Housing appropriations, Family Unification (FUP) and Housing Choice (HC) Vouchers. In line with these efforts, we are asking partner organizations to sign on to two important letters to Congressional leaders.
One urges Congress to fully fund HC Vouchers and for $20M in new FUP vouchers in FY 2019. The other asks for $20M for Pay for Success and a Permanent Supportive Housing set-aside in the Department of Justice’s Second Chance Act account in FY 2019.
Please appeal to your organization to sign these letters today.