
One Roof Partnerships in MN

In conjunction with One Roof outreach, CSH hosted the Keeping Families Together Training Academy this past Summer of 2017 in Minnesota. The Training Academy explored how to develop child welfare and housing partnerships to help families stay healthy, housed and safe in supportive housing.

The Training Academy is helping participants explore how to develop child welfare and housing partnerships.  The participating communities are at different phases in their learning.  For example, the Houston team identified one of the reasons for their participation: “To gain a better understanding of supporting families, and begin to formulate programs and services.”  The New Mexico team  began replication of Keeping Families Together 18 months ago in 3 counties and is seeking to: “gain a better understanding of the core components that could improve our services, have access to additional tools and resources related to serving our families, and have the opportunity for future technical assistance.”

In June 2017, CSH announced 18 teams from across the nation that are participating in the second round of the One Roof – Keeping Families Together (KFT) Training Academy. Each team includes representation from multiple organizations such as child welfare, housing, homeless and service agencies. The teams complete CSH-designed courses and participate in peer learning and readiness assessment activities with the goal of advancing local efforts to utilize supportive housing as an intervention to help children and their parents remain safely together and achieve long term success as a family.

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