
CSH & CWLA Host Housing & Family Instability Webinar

Housing and Family Instability Webinar
Prevention and intervention strategies for public system leaders
September 28, 2017
3-4:30 PM ET

How does housing instability impact family stability? Join CSH and the Child Welfare League of America (CWLA) in our second webinar about the challenges families face when they are homeless or unstably housed and engaged in the child welfare system. This 90-minute webinar will offer new research about how homelessness impacts family structure and strategies from housing authorities, child welfare agencies and service providers to address these issues through collaborative and innovative approaches.

Moderators: Alison Harte, CSH; Julie Collins, CWLA

Presenters: Ann Deibert, Broward County (Florida) Housing Authority; Andria Dewson, the HEART Alliance; Kim Somaroo-Rodriquez, Connecticut Department of Children and Families; Amanda Benton, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE).

Register for 9-28-17 Webinar Here

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