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Subcontracting Opportunity: Coordinated Entry System Housing System Navigation for Households Experiencing Homelessness


CSH is seeking subcontractors to provide support to households experiencing homelessness in need of coordinated entry system (CES) navigation support.  Specifically CSH is seeking agencies that have specialty with families with children and agencies that focus on people experiencing chronic homelessness with a range of disabilities. Subcontractors provide direct services to households that have been assessed with a coordinated entry standardized housing assessment and matched to a permanent housing provider.   The Housing System Navigators (HSN) will work collaboratively with the CES lead entities and partners to implement strategies to improve the housing placements for vulnerable households Funding is provided by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Supportive Services Only grant program and through City of Chicago Department of Family and Support Services.

Planned Activities

  1. Search for and engage households who have been assessed and received a housing match through CES;
  2. Provide support to households in meeting housing provider requirements, inclusive of attending housing intake meetings, attainment of homelessness and/or disability documentation; and,
  3. Provide feedback to CES lead entities regarding the process of housing vulnerable households and system improvements that should be addressed.


Expected Deliverables

 Deliverable 1: Provide system navigation activities to households experiencing homelessness with a housing match. These households will either be facing chronic homelessness, have at least one child as part of the family, or both.

Deliverable 2: Participate in system integration team meetings and work collaboratively with initiative partners.

Deliverable 3: Maintain and report data on through HMIS on system navigation activities.

Funding Available

A total of $229,000 is available for Housing System Navigation for families and $82,000 is available for Housing System Navigation for people facing chronic homelessness for one year contracts. Agencies may include expenses for travel, equipment, and direct client support.  Subcontractors will bill CSH at an hourly rate, not to exceed $125/hour.  No increment above cost can be included in the hourly rate provided to CSH and the hourly rate must be consistent with the best (lowest) customary rate that has been negotiated with other clients.  Selected subcontractors will be required to provide evidence of past compensation consistent with the rate provided to CSH.

Application Process and Vendor Requirements

  • Agencies will need the capacity to enter and receive information from Chicago’s Homeless Management Information System (HMIS). Training to selected agencies will be provided.
  • No more than three agencies will be selected.
  • Housing System Navigation projects are available to be renewed as a sub-recipient of CSH in future funding applications through HUD or DFSS.
  • Agency compliance certification and proposal submission requirements
  • Subcontract Rate Sheet

CSH will hold a Q&A session about this subcontracting opportunity on Tuesday, June 13, 2017 at 1:00 pm. The session will be held at CSH – 205 W. Randolph, 23rd Floor; Chicago, IL 60606.

The application will be due by June 23, 2017 at 5:00 PM CST. Applications received before the deadline will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Demonstrated successful performance of substantially similar work
  • Relevant project work
  • Experience and expertise
  • Years of relevant experience
  • Rate reasonableness and overall cost of services

Please note that CSH requires subcontractors, including individuals and sole proprietors, to carry workers’ compensation insurance while performing work under a CSH subcontract. CSH subcontractors cannot have existing, pending or expired debarments that preclude them from doing business with the United States government and cannot have convictions for, nor have any pending indictments for, fraud or a criminal offense in connection with a public contract or subcontract.

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