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Multi-System Collaboration to End Youth Homelessness

youth TAYThe State of Minnesota is one of seven jurisdictions that will participate in the fourth cohort of the Multi-System Collaboration Training and Technical Assistance initiative to implement the state plan specific to decreasing homelessness for systems-involved youth. This federal initiative, implemented by the Center for Coordinated Assistance to States, is hosted by the Center for Juvenile Justice Reform at Georgetown University. CSH will serve as a local project manager in Minnesota for this one year effort, which will include training webinars, project team planning and implementation activities with state partners. The state partners are the Minnesota Department of Human Services, Department of Public Health, Juvenile Justice Advisory Committee and Department of Corrections.

The goals of this initiative are to improve leadership alignment, data sharing infrastructure, and to develop a strong action plan based on information gathered from systems (such as criminal justice, child welfare, healthcare and housing) with the focus on preventing and ending conditions that result in youth homelessness.





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