UPDATED: Tuesday, December 13, 2016
Last month, CSH urgedĀ our supporters to help us moveĀ the 21st Century Cures Act forward; and you came through with flying colors.
Many of you contacted your members of the US Congress and asked them to vote YES. After receiving bipartisan and overwhelming support in the Senate and House, President Obama is scheduled to sign this bill on Tuesday, December 13!
The Act was voluminous and touched on a wideĀ spectrum of topics. Nonetheless, there are severalĀ crucial policy areas important to advancing our workĀ to help vulnerable individuals and families, such as:
- Comprehensive Mental Health and Criminal Justice (MIOTCRA) provisions we worked on with the Council of State Governments and others that will make investments in mental health and problem-solving courts, diverting people with behavioral health issues and histories of homelessnessĀ away fromĀ jail.
- GrantsĀ for funded community reentry services, substance use and mental health servicesĀ for incarcerated individuals, and Ā training for law enforcement officials on safely resolving encounters with people experiencing a mental health crisis.
- Major substance use and mental health reforms (including additional parity provisions), and crucialĀ investments to address the national opioid epidemic.
Thank you for your advocacy on behalf of this bill!
Thank you for helping CSH as we continue to shape important public policy that benefits those who need, deserve and are housed in supportive housing.