Congressman Frank Pallone (6th District, New Jersey) spent last Friday touring Kilmer Homes residences in Edison, NJ.
The 120-unit affordable housing development includes 30 supportive housing apartments for homeless families.
Kilmer Homes’ development partners are: The Alpert Group; Edison Affordable Housing, Inc.; Monarch Housing Associates; and Triple C Housing.
The Edison Housing Authority committed Housing Choice Vouchers for the supportive housing units. These vouchers allow supportive housing tenants to pay no more than 30% of their household income towards housing costs.
The project is financed through a New Jersey Housing Mortgage Finance Authority (NJHMFA) construction loan, NJHMFA permanent mortgage, NJHMFA CDBG Multifamily Restoration funding, NJHMFA CDBG Sandy Special Needs Housing funding, Middlesex County Homeless funding, and equity from the sale of 9% low-income housing tax credits. CSH provided technical assistance for the project and Project Initiation Loan funding.
The project has been developed on 6 acres of vacant land on the former Camp Kilmer military base. The Township of Edison is redeveloping the Camp Kilmer site to create a diverse neighborhood including affordable housing, educational and recreational facilities.
The development has received community support that includes donations of over $3,200 in the form of Bed, Bath & Beyond gift cards. The supportive housing units have also received generous in-kind donations from Bob’s Furniture and from the United Way of Central NJ.