CSH recently hosted its first annual Supportive Housing celebration in Indiana that honored the work of Sherry Seiwert, Executive Director of the Indiana Housing & Community Development Authority (IHCDA) as a Supportive Housing Champion. Under Sherry’s leadership Indiana has dedicated funding and staff to create the Indiana Permanent Supportive Housing Initiative (IPSHI) which has led to more than a 1,000 units of housing in the pipeline with 700+ units that have been funded and are under construction or operational. Under Sherry’s leadership Indiana created the first supportive service delivery guidelines for organizations using Medicaid Rehabilitation Option (MRO) funding for services in Supportive Housing, used the Institute as a way to build industry capacity, ensure quality and build a robust pipeline of housing.
Pete Earley, former Washington Post reporter and bestselling author of such books as The Hot House and Crazy and former CSH Board Member was the keynote speaker. Mr. Earley has advocated tirelessly for public awareness around mental health rights and is a long time proponent of supportive housing as a solution to homelessness among our nation’s most vulnerable people.
The event also honored providers, government partners and developers who have demonstrated extraordinary leadership contributing to the growth and vitality of the supportive housing sector. Awardees included:
- System Change Award: Denny Jones for his work to assist the behavioral health system to align with supportive housing as part of a recovery model.
- Systems Change Award: Phil Thomas, VISN 11, Veterans Administration, for his work to ensure that Veterans experiencing homelessness or those at risk have access to permanent housing opportunities and the funding streams created to help them are successfully integrated to achieve the goal of ending homelessness.
- Community Leadership Award: Sharron Liggons, for her work and leadership with the regional planning council and its members to bring much needed supportive housing to Lake County.
- Development Award: ECHO Housing Corporation, for Lucas Place II, a 27 unit development which is the first supportive housing in Indiana dedicated to Veterans who have experienced long-term and chronic homelessness in Evansville. Supportive Housing Institute partners included the VA Veterans Clinic, City of Evansville, Indiana Housing Consultants, and VPS Architecture.
- Development Award: Lincoln Center, Lafayette Transitional Housing, for the first project developed under IPSHI that offers 20 units of supportive housing in Lafayette. The City of Lafayette and the Lafayette Housing Authority provided the leadership and support necessary to rehabilitate the building and provide high quality supportive housing in the community.
- Development Award: Promising Partnership, led by Genesis Outreach, Inc. for their 55 unit scattered site supportive housing development in Fort Wayne focused on families. Supportive Housing Institute partners include Genesis Outreach, Hope House inc., Interfaith Hospitality of Greater Fort Wayne, Inc., Vincent Villages and Women’s Bureau, Inc. The City of Fort Wayne worked with Promising Partnership to include supportive housing as part of the Renaissance Point redevelopment efforts demonstrating that with strong partnerships supportive housing can be a successful part of comprehensive community redevelopment.
- Development Award: CommonWealth, led by Englewood Community Development Corporation for their 32 unit integrated housing development that combines low to moderate-income units with supportive housing units in Indianapolis. Supportive Housing Institute partners include the John H. Boner Center, Englewood Christian Church, and Adult and Child Community Mental Health Center. The City of Indianapolis, working with the Super Bowl Legacy Committee made this project possible through funding and leadership to redevelop the Englewood neighborhood.
- Private Funding Award: Private Funding Award: Federal Home Loan Bank of Indianapolis, for their work with IHCDA and CSH to provide capital funding through the Affordable Housing Program to IPSHI projects.
The event co-chairs, Tom McGowan, President and Chief Operating Officer of Kite Realty Group and Board Member of IHCDA and Caron Goldstein, Development Advisor and CSH Indiana Advisory Board Member welcomed more than 200 attendees to the event. The event was made possible through their hard work as well as the work of the members of the CSH Indiana Advisory Board. The event could not have been possible without the support of our sponsors:
Partner Sponsors
City Real Estate Advisors, Inc.
Gene B. Glick Company
Ice Miller LLP
O’Brien Construction Company, Inc.
Supporting Sponsors
Buckingham Companies
Butler Woodcrafters
Federal Home Loan Bank of Indianapolis
Great Lakes Capital Fund
Indiana Housing Consulting
Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority
Keller Development Inc.
Keystone Construction Corp.
Kite Realty Group
Kuhl & Grant LLP
The Whitsett Group, LLC
Friend Level Sponsors
Baldwin & Lyons
Bose McKinney & Evans LLP
Claudette and Larry Einhorn
Daveri Development Group
Englewood Development Corporation, Inc.
Luther Consulting, LLC
Milestone Ventures, Inc.
Milner and Caringella, Inc.
Neighborhood Development Associates, Inc.