Upcoming: Using NSP for Permanent Supportive Housing Development Webinar –
Thursday, June 7, 2012 – 2 pm EDT
HUD will provide NSP grantees and their partners with guidance on permanent supportive housing development and NSP. This webinar will review opportunities for utilizing NSP funding for the creation of permanent supportive housing. This session will contextualize NSP as a viable tool to address both community revitalization and homeless response efforts. We will briefly review some key elements of supportive housing and hear from NSP grantees that have leveraged the program for these purposes. A question and answer session will follow the presentation.
The webinar is intended for NSP grantees, sub-recipients, developers, as well as Continuums of Care and other homelessness stakeholders.
Webinar materials will be posted to the NSP Learning Center as they become available. Please visit the NSP Learning Center prior to joining the webinar.
To Join via WebEx (Online + Audio): https://enterpriseevents.webex.com/enterpriseevents/onstage/g.php?t=a&d=667277084
To Join Via Teleconference (Audio Only):
Toll-free: 1-877-668-4490; Toll number: 1-408-792-6300
Access code: 667 277 084
Feedback on Webinar:
At the conclusion of the webinar, we would really like your feedback! Please take a moment and click on the following link to provide your important feedback:
All attendees are encouraged to participate using the full webinar meeting format, as “audio-only” participants will not be able to ask questions during the session.