
Twenty Successes — CSH Works With VA to End Veteran Homelessness

CSH is committed to partnering with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to end homelessness among Veterans, and we are poised to expand our impact as we move into 2012. CSH is deepening and expanding our partnership with the VA and other community stakeholders to include an array of technical assistance and support.

CSH is particularly honored to collaborate in many of these efforts with Vince Kane, Director of the VA’s National Center on Homelessness Among Veterans. Mr. Kane says of CSH: “The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs is glad to have CSH as a key partner and ally in our plan and efforts to end homelessness among Veterans.  CSH has been helping the VA to engage the community and increase alignment between VA and community efforts to end homelessness; is helping us to improving the quality of supportive housing through a refinement of our HUD-VASH toolkit; launched our Supportive Services for Veteran Families grant; and is now working with us to create a new tool that will enable the better matching of Veterans experiencing or at-risk of homelessness to appropriate housing and services interventions.”

Together with the VA, our national partners, and our allies in the field, CSH will continue the push to end Veteran homelessness.

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