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Community Health Worker/Peer Workforce: Recruiting and Hiring for Social Determinants of Health Screening: Best Practices Guide and Findings from the COVID-19 Pandemic

Community Health Workers and Peer Specialists (CHW and Peers) are trusted members of the community who empower their communities through education and connections to health and social resources.  COVID-19 emphasized the value of the ‘lived experience’ that this workforce brings to their work, yet within health centers there remain barriers to both hiring and also effective deployment CHW and Peer staff.  This guide – created by CSH, MHP Salud, and National Healthcare for the Homeless Council – shares best practices for 1) recruiting, hiring and retaining, 2) integrating the CHW and Peer in the work 3) key role for CHW and Peeers in screening for SDOH.


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UDS Quick Guide for Federally Funded Health Centers

Federally funded health centers and health center “look-alikes” (collectively health centers) report on all sorts of data about patients and performance, including housing and homeless status. In fact, as part of the 2019 Uniform Data System (UDS) Data Standard Updates, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) introduced for the first time a requirement that certain health centers track those patients who report living in permanent supportive housing. This UDS Quick Guide will inform health center staff on how UDS offers rich and quite detailed insight into the important operations of health centers.


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Data Integration Best Practices for Health Centers & Homeless Services

Health centers use data and technology to improve health outcomes of patients, speed administrative processes, and collect patients’ health and housing histories. This guidance will help health centers evaluate and make decisions regarding data collection, utilization, and sharing to improve health outcomes for vulnerable patients.


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What are Social Determinants of Health?

This webinar provides a deep understanding of Social Determinants of Health, and the environmental factors that often have a deep impact on patients’ ability to manage their health. Social Determinants such as housing are the critical platform upon which additional successes for patients can be achieved.


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Multi-System Coordination Building & Maintaining a Coordinated Provider Community

Adequately serving vulnerable patients and communities requires proper coordination and partnership among multiple sectors and systems of social service. This webinar and facilitated panel discussion outlines best practices for building or improving upon such partnerships to better serve vulnerable patients and populations served by health centers.


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Understanding and Addressing the Health Needs of Youth Experiencing Homelessness

Rates of youth homeless are rising across the United States, demanding a response from healthcare and service providers. This webinar outlines best practices for meeting the unique needs of youth experiencing homelessness and housing instability for health centers.


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Addressing the Opioid Crisis Series – Session #3 Innovative Programming and Partnering for People Experiencing Opioid Addiction

Session 3 in the Addressing the Opioid Crisis Webinar Series – Adequately serving patients with substance use disorder (SUD) and/or behavioral health needs requires proper coordination and partnership among multiple sectors and systems of social service. This webinar and facilitated panel discussion outlines best practices for building or improving upon such partnerships to better serve SUD patients served by health centers.


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Addressing the Opioid Crisis – Session #2 State Responses to the National Opioid Crisis

Session 2 in the Addressing the Opioid Crisis Webinar Series – Adequately serving patients with substance use disorder (SUD) and/or behavioral health needs requires proper coordination and partnership among multiple sectors and systems of social service. This webinar and facilitated panel discussion outlines potential state-level responses to better serve SUD patients served by health centers.