
Subcontracting Opportunity: Consultant for CSH’s Strategic Plan Creation Process


CSH is seeking a consultant to assist in the creation of our next Strategic Plan, particularly relating to input from CSH’s external stakeholders across all our lines of business at national and local levels.  The consultant should have a clear understanding of CSH’s current work and position within the industry, including our commitment to Racial Equity and engagement with people with lived experience and expertise. The consultant should be a neutral party willing to listen to stakeholder feedback and synthesize the feedback to inform CSH’s next Strategic Plan (slated to begin 2023-2025). CSH expects to begin this work in the third quarter of 2021, with two-thirds completed by February 2022 and one third continuing through September 2022.

Planned activities:

  1. Provide input on a list of stakeholders external to CSH who should be consulted regarding CSH’s strategies and help design standard questions to be asked of these stakeholders (approx. Sept 2021)
  2. Conduct an external scan of CSH stakeholders (as listed by CSH), and report themes and findings back to CSH in writing and discussions (approx. Sept 2021 – Feb 2022)
  3. Conduct follow-up sessions with the same CSH stakeholders to vet the progress of CSH’s draft strategic ideas (approx. May-Sept 2022)

Expected Outcomes, Milestones, and Deliverables:

  • Deliverable 1: Written report and presentation on themes of the External Scan
  • Deliverable 2: Additional report on follow-up vetting conversations.

Funding Available:

An amount not to exceed $60,000 is available for this project.

Application Process and Vendor Requirements:

To apply for this opportunity, please email Karen Bartos at Karen.bartos@csh.org on or before October 1, 2021, with a minimum of two pages and no more than five pages outlining the information below. Applications received before the deadline will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Suggested approach in addressing CSH’s goals outlined above
  • Demonstrated successful performance of substantially similar work
  • Relevant project work
  • Experience and expertise  
  • Years of relevant experience
  • Rate reasonableness and overall cost of services
  • Special consideration will be given to small, disadvantaged, minority or women-owned businesses

Please note that CSH requires subcontractors, including individuals and sole proprietors, to carry workers’ compensation insurance and commercial general liability insurance (CGL) while performing work under a CSH subcontract.  CSH subcontractors cannot have existing, pending or expired debarments that preclude them from doing business with the United States government and cannot have convictions for, nor have any pending indictments for, fraud or a criminal offense in connection with a public.

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