CSH & CLPHA Hosted Webinar
February 25
4:00-5:30pm ET
Mainstream Vouchers provide vital housing assistance to non-elderly persons living with physical, developmental, and psychiatric disabilities. In November, HUD awarded $131 million for over 15,000 new Mainstream Vouchers to 325 public housing authorities (PHAs) across the country. This is a second tranche of funding awarded for the Mainstream Housing Choice Voucher Program, with another expected in FY 2020. PHAs have strategically deployed these resources to overcome challenges associated with leasing up. Additionally, PHAs work with disability service providers to help ensure residents have adequate access to needed services in the community.
Join CSH and the Council of Large Public Housing Authorities as we explore promising and best practices PHAs employ to achieve success in leasing up and supporting residents’ long-term.
Webinar Would Benefit: Supportive Housing Providers, Homeless Services Providers including CoCs, Health Centers, Public Housing Authority Staff
CSH Presenters: Marcella Maguire – CSH, Steve Lucas – CLPHA, Emily Warren – CLPHA.