
2018 NHPF Symposium Fundraiser Exceeds Goal

Organization’s Fund for New Development Raises $450,000 to support ongoing affordable housing efforts

The NHP Foundation (NHPF), a national leader in providing quality affordable housing to America’s working poor, seniors and families, today announced that its 2nd Symposium fundraising event, “Housing & Health: The Backbone of Strong Communities” held October 16th at Union Station in Washington, D.C. exceeded fundraising and attendance goals.

The event, which combines education and celebration, featured a range of participants and honorees including former HUD Secretary Henry Cisneros.

The Symposium kicked off with an “Afternoon of Learning,” featuring a presentation of NHPF’s Trailblazer Awards to four lawmakers leading national affordable housing policy- Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) and Representatives Carlos Curbelo (R-FL), Suzan DelBene (D-WA) and Jim Himes (D-CT).

Following the awards presentation, the afternoon featured a report calling for an “affordable housing reboot.” Ryan Moser, CSH (The Corporation for Supportive Housing) discussed the involvement of the healthcare system in delivering increased affordable housing options.

An expert panel discussion moderated by Dr. Tiffany Manuel, VP Knowledge, Impact & Strategy, Enterprise Community Partners and featuring the panelists below, followed the housing and healthcare report.

  •     Dr. Joshua Bamberger, Associate Clinical Professor, Family and Community Medicine, UCSF
  •     Stephen Brown, Director of Preventive Emergency Medicine, University of Illinois Hospital
  •     Daniel Field, ED, Community Health & External Affairs, Kaiser Permanente
  •     Jason Helgerson, Medicaid Director State of New York (January 2011–April 2018), consultant
  •     Jonathan F. P. Rose, Real estate developer, urban planner, author, founder Jonathan Rose Companies
  •     Maria Torres-Springer, Commissioner, NYC Department of Housing Preservation & Development
  •     Kamillah Wood, MD, MPH, FAAP, SVP, Health and Housing, SAHF, (Stewards of Affordable Housing for the Future)

“An Evening of Recognition” cocktail reception and awards dinner followed the afternoon sessions and honored special guests including Henry Cisneros, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) (1993–1997).

Additional awardees included Thom Amdur, EVP & ED, National Housing & Rehabilitation Association; Michael Bodaken, President, National Housing Trust (1993–2018); Monica Mitchell, VP Community Development, Wells Fargo; Michael Novogradac, Managing Partner, Novogradac & Company and Maria Torres-Springer, Commissioner, NYC Department of Housing Preservation & Development.

“Our 2nd Symposium and Dinner called for a paradigm shift in the affordable housing industry ,” said NHPF President and CEO Dick Burns. “The event encouraged insurers, hospitals, financial institutions, traditional funders, and units of government to work with housing developers to implement new strategies including the idea of a collaborative funding model of privatized housing vouchers.”

Over 300 developers and builders, policy-makers, affordable housing advocates, healthcare leaders, and many in the media, law, finance and philanthropic sectors attended the event. Proceeds will benefit The NHP Foundation’s Fund for New Development, which supports the acquisition, pre-development, development and service-enriched affordable housing properties in communities around the country.

About The NHP Foundation 
Headquartered in New York City with offices in Washington, D.C., and Chicago, I.L., The NHP Foundation (NHPF) was launched on January 30, 1989, as a publicly supported 501(c)(3) not-for-profit real estate corporation. NHPF is dedicated to preserving and creating sustainable, service-enriched multifamily housing that is both affordable to low and moderate income families and seniors, and beneficial to their communities. NHPF also provides a robust resident services program to nearly 18,000 community residents. Through partnerships with major financial institutions, the public sector, faith-based initiatives, and other not-for-profit organizations, NHPF has 49 properties, including more than 8,000 units, in 15 states and the District of Columbia. For more information, visit http://www.nhpfoundation.org.

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