
Spotlight on NMTC Allocation for St. Paul Opportunity Center

Catholic Charitiesā€™ St. Paul Opportunity Center (St. Paul, MN)

CSH provided $12.4 million in New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) allocation to Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis for the construction of a 61,000 SF service center focusing on the needs of very low income and homeless individuals. The project is located on the first two floors of a six-story mixed-use building and will provide primary health and dental care, mental and behavioral health services, financial benefits counseling, housing placement, adult education/workforce development programs, meal service, and other services to individuals living on-site and in the broader St. Paul and Ramsey County community.Ā  The top four floors will consist of 177 units of supportive housing financed separately with 4% Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) bonds, all of which will be connected to the coordinated entry system and affordable to those at or below 30% of AMI, with units targeted to those with disabilities, young adults, and veterans.Ā  The project will allow Catholic Charities to consolidate its services in St. Paul, and to expand services through partnerships with other service providers who will provide services onsite, including Westside Community Health Center (a Federally Qualified Health Center), Ramsey County, Radias Health, MN Veterans Administration, and the MN Assistance Council for Veterans.Ā  It will help to further Ramsey Countyā€™s RUSH (Redirecting Users of Shelter to Housing) program, which has the goal to permanently house the top 100 users of emergency shelters in Ramsey County, and is anticipated to provide support services to more than 7,000 people annually. This project closed 12/15/2017 and is under construction.

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