Read the complete Social Innovation Fund Pay for Success Feasibility Report for Virginia Supportive Housing by clicking here.
This new report released today summarizes the conclusions and next steps resulting from the Technical Assistance provided by CSH to Virginia Supportive Housing from June 2016 to March 2017. The feasibility report focuses on the following components:
Key component | Successes | Next steps | Priority Areas |
Pay for Success education and profile raising
Discussions with state and city entities | Deeper engagement with potential end payer entities
High |
Target population | Priority population defined | Detailed eligibility and enrollment criteria
High |
Cost benefit analysis | Local value case examples show compelling impacts using pre/post analysis | Analysis of local health data if further health system involvement
High |
Service design | Framework for service design agreed
Deeper exploration of best practice through new awards for TA
Medium |
End payer identification | Interest from local healthcare systems | Work with City officials to determine interest
Low |
Payment terms | Options for payment terms included in report | Deeper exploration of metrics and terms following end payer commitment
Medium |
CSH believes Virginia Supportive Housing, alongside its partner Homeward, has the opportunity to successfully finish designing, structuring and implementing a Pay for Success supportive housing project if there is commitment from the City of Richmond or a health system payer to making success payments for outcomes achieved.
CSH has documented a number of next steps for finalizing outcomes of interest, success metric payment terms and evaluation design for when an end payer is identified.