
Indiana Institute Wants You!

2018 Indiana Supportive Housing Institute Seeking Applicants

Building on the success of several similar initiatives offered jointly by the two organizations, CSH and the Indiana Housing & Community Development Authority (IHCDA) are leveraging their longstanding partnership to co-sponsor the 2018 Indiana Supportive Housing Institute.

The 2018 Institute will position development teams from across the state to capitalize on knowledge and financing to create more supportive housing.  An RFP has been released and Institute teams must consist of, at minimum, a supportive service provider partner, a non-profit housing developer/owner partner, and a property management partner.

Orientation Webinar
CSH and IHCDA will provided an orientation webinar for prospective respondents to the RFP on October 27. Download the presentation slides.

We’re also providing a link to Determining Homeless Status of Youth as discussed on the overview webinar.

Frequently Asked Questions

Download the 2018 Institute FAQ & Clarifications.

Have Additional Questions?
General questions about this notice can be directed to Matt Rayburn (mrayburn@ihcda.in.gov).
Specific questions about the RFP requirements and application process should be directed in writing to Lori Phillips-Steele (lori.phillips-steele@csh.org).

The application deadline is December 4, 2017.

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