
CSH, Other SIF Grantees Come Together

SIFConvening Sept 2015 2SIFConveningPanel_Oct-300x218The Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) Social Innovation Fund (SIF) 2015 Grantee convening is underway in Washington, DC. CSH is a SIF awardee and an active participant and facilitator at this year’s event.

The convening is designed for SIF grantees to provide opportunities for shared learning, dialogue, and inspiration.

In addition to grantees and subgrantees, stakeholders and colleagues from the government, philanthropy and nonprofits are in attendance.

The goals of the convening are to promote learning and sharing, and push thinking of the current grantee portfolio by bringing in outside speakers, and showcasing SIF successes to the public and private sectors.

Deb De Santis, CSH President and CEO, facilitated the Sustainable Scaling: Pathways for Creating Large-Scale Community Impact session, and Stephanie Mercier, CSH Senior Program Manager, and Annie Bacci, CSH Senior Program Manager, both facilitated sessions of Pay for Success (PFS): An Interactive Workshop.

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