In a bid to avert homelessness and recidivism, the Jacob and Valeria Langeloth Foundation – which supports innovation in physical and emotional healing for underserved populations – has awarded a $250,000, two-year grant to CSH to increase housing options and services, specifically supportive housing, for eligible individuals re-entering communities from jails and prisons.
“The strong link between housing and support services for those released from jails and prisons and post-release success is not readily apparent, even in the minds of policymakers in the criminal justice field,” said Deb De Santis, CSH President & CEO. “But as more research is done, it is clear supportive housing reduces recidivism and the data is showing us the dramatic overlap among the risk of homelessness, demands for housing, mental health services and addiction treatments, and also the chances for readmissions to jails and prisons.” Read more about this investment and our work in reentry in our press release.