Myers Place, a supportive housing development for people with disabilities, opened in Mount Prospect, Illinois, on Monday, becoming the first supportive housing development in the Northwest suburbs of Chicago. This project features 21 one-bedroom and 18 studio, furnished apartments. There is also a community room, a kitchen, laundry facilities and offices for case managers from the Kenneth Young Center.
The project was initiated in part by North/ Northwest Suburban Task Force on Supportive Housing for Individuals with Mental Illness, a coalition comprising mainly of local metropolitan NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) groups and led by Hugh Brady, Hilary Ives, and Mary Lou Lawry. Their goal has been to establish one project a year throughout the northern suburbs, an area lacking in supportive housing and unable to meet the current need.
For this project, CSH provided a Project Initiation Loan (PIL) as well as training, via our Supportive Housing Institute, to Kenneth Youth Center, who then formed a partnership with Daveri Development Group LLC. The Cook County Housing Authority also provided housing vouchers, and the Illinois Department of Human Services committed rental assistance to target people transitioning from institutional care.
Read more about this and other Illinois supportive housing developments in the Daily Herald’s article.