
Relief Efforts Throughout the Eastern Region

Over the next few weeks CSH will be collecting and posting relief efforts being organized by our industry partners across the Eastern Region. We will be continually updating this list so if you know of additional relief efforts taking place, please feel send them to info@csh.org.


Fairfield County Community Foundation
Compiling a list of organizations throughout Connecticut that are currently supporting local disaster recovery efforts for local nonprofits are facing increased demand for food, shelter and emergency supplies.

New Jersey

The NJ Coalition to End Homelessness
Sending out emails blasts to assist communities in applying for FEMA assistance, shelter locations, food, etc. Follow them on Twitter  for updates and ways you can help.

Urban League of Essex County
Accepting food donations, financial contributions, and looking for volunteers who can help deliver and distribute food. Contact them at 973-624-9535 or info@ulec.org or drop off your food and check donations at 508 Central Avenue, Newark, NJ 07107.

New York

Seeking to help hungry families and individuals through CAMBA’s fall Where You Canned Food Drive.

Community Access 
Accepting online contributions to support nine of their buildings in Manhattan without power.  They’ve also experienced severe flooding at two sites—109 Avenue D and Gouverneur Court—where kitchens and pantries  have been destroyed. 

Goddard Riverside Community Center
Accepting online contributions to support the efforts of  their outreach which has been working around the clock throughout the storm and its aftermath. Goddard Riverside provides outreach, a psychosocial day program, a MICA Network, a housing placement team, transitional and supportive housing, vocational training and job placement. They operate five supportive housing buildings for more than 600 New Yorkers.

Supportive Housing Network of New York
Collecting a list of supportive housing providers across New York who are scrambling to serve tenants in damaged and flooded residences. On their site you’ll find information on how you can donate gasoline, bedding and other goods and how you can volunteer at a homeless shelter or receive assistance from various New York government agencies.

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