Central to CSH’s mission of creating supportive housing to end homelessness is advocating for policy reforms that provide communities with the tools and resources they need. Today we are releasing a list of carefully considered policy priorities that highlight our federal funding recommendations for key programs, and outline policy reforms that, if enactedwill improve government programs.
CSH’s 2012 Policy Priorities document is intended for policymakers to help them understand the programs that are most helpful to create supportive housing; for advocates as a tool to organize locally with or to take to their legislators and representatives; and for other interested parties who want to know more about CSH’s strategic focus.
Recognizing heavy budgetary pressures at all levels of government, our 2012 Priorities place greater emphasis on accessing mainstream housing and services resources. This focus is supported by the growing role supportive housing plays in reducing not just homelessness, but also the cost of frequent and inappropriate use of public systems by vulnerable opulations. CSH will continue to partner with allies to protect and preserve funding for programs we’ve worked to build over the past two decades