Supportive Housing Institutes
The Supportive Housing Institute is a signature CSH program designed to kickstart quality affordable and supportive housing development in your community. CSH’s Supportive Housing Institute has a strong track record across the country, with nearly 100% of graduating teams bringing projects into operation.
What are CSH Institutes?
The CSH Supportive Housing Institute brings teams from various sectors together for intensive and interactive workshops covering all aspects of creating affordable and supportive housing – from initial concept to operations. Teams graduate from the Institute with a housing development plan and a path for acquiring funding.
CSH’s Supportive Housing Institutes are held each year in cities across the country. We typically co-host Institutes with one or more local, regional, or state agencies or other community stakeholders.
Each Institute attracts leaders in the affordable and supportive housing sectors and service providers.

What Teams Receive from a Supportive Housing Institute:
- A complete affordable supportive housing plan from concept to shovel-ready,
- Individualized technical assistance
- Strategies on navigating complex zoning, development, and regulatory processes
- Best practices for designing for equity, quality, accessibility, and sustainability
, - Training on budgeting, operations, and property management, and
- A powerful network of peers and industry experts.
Who Attends an Institute?
CSH Institutes select teams through an annual application process. Teams include service providers, housing developers (for-profit or non-profit), property management, and other partners. The Institutes also connect teams to public housing authorities, people with lived experience, and local funders.

Institute Yearbooks

Partner with Us on a Supportive Housing Institute
We partner with government and private sector partners to co-host Institutes. Our partners sponsor Supportive Housing Institutes to boost affordable and supportive housing development in their communities. Due to the tremendous generosity of our partners, attendees can participate in Institutes free of charge. If you represent a government or agency and are interested in co-hosting an Institute, please contact us.