Corporation for Supportive Housing (“CSH”) currently occupies 17,885 rentable square feet on part of the 23rd floor at 61 Broadway in downtown Manhattan. CSH’s lease expires on 12/31/2023. CSH will be evaluating all its occupancy options in advance of its lease expiration. CSH will be looking to partner with an architectural firm experienced in working with not-for-profit organizations and landlord builds.
Founded in 1991, CSH’s mission is to advance solutions that use housing as a platform for services to improve the lives of the most vulnerable people, maximize public resources and build healthy communities. Our work stems from our fundamental belief that supportive housing—affordable housing combined with services—is the solution to ending homelessness for those individuals who face the most complex challenges, such as physical and behavioral health conditions and substance use disorders. Read more about CSH online at
The Proposal Process
CSH is looking to engage an architectural firm that can demonstrate it understands its mission, its collaborative team culture and strategic space requirements. Since CSH expects to commit to the space for the long term, it is also important to create a plan that is both flexible and efficient and will allow adaptation for growth and changes in the business environment. The success of this project will be dependent upon selecting a firm that understands CSH’s objectives, has the staff levels and technical competence to execute the project, and, most importantly, assigns a team that is the ideal fit for the project and CSH. For this reason, approximately one week after we receive the RFP responses, we plan to schedule an interview with the shortlisted architects and CSH’s executive management team to review the proposal, and have you address the client’s key priorities described below. As part of the interview, we expect you to be prepared to address the following:
- Provide examples of work you have performed at other similar not-for-profit organizations.
- Relate this experience to how you would staff and approach the project.
- Firm designation as it relates to Minority and Woman Base Enterprise (M/WBE)
- Proposal scope and cost
Although generalized promotional literature is welcomed, it may not substitute for original narrative responses to the questions posed above. We reserve the right to disqualify any proposal for lack of responsiveness or specificity.
All expenses associated with proposal preparation and presentation, including travel, shall be borne by the respondents.
Scope of Services
Given current market conditions, CSH will be looking for a landlord to construct or modify its space at a landlord’s sole cost. The selected architectural firm will be responsible for providing their proposal based on the following scope of services:
- Programming and Test Fits
- Schematic Design
- Design Development
- Furniture Services
- Lease Review
- Project Management inclusive of Construction Oversight
Proposal Submission
Please submit your proposal no later than the close of business on May 20, 2022. Proposals shall be emailed and addressed to the following:
Eileen Hawes, Chief Financial Officer
Corporation for Supportive Housing
Mobile (646) 369-4468
The Consultant can be located anywhere in the United States, and the services may be provided virtually.
Please note that CSH requires subcontractors, including individuals and sole proprietors, to carry workers’ compensation insurance and Commercial General Liability (CGL) insurance while performing work under a CSH subcontract. CSH subcontractors cannot have existing, pending, or expired debarments that preclude them from doing business with the United States government and cannot have convictions for, nor have any pending indictments for, fraud or a criminal offense in connection with a public contract or subcontract.