
RFQ & Pricing Estimate: Equity Consultation

Request for Qualification and Estimated Pricing for CSH Equity Consultation – Extended Deadline

CSH is working across our lines of business, strategic plan, and internally to create a vision and priorities for a racial equity framework. We hope to support learning, skill building, internal infrastructure, and external partners to integrate race equity and inclusion in to the work of CSH.

We are looking to partner with a highly experienced and qualified partner on this project. A successful partner will be creative, flexible, and willing to work with CSH as we transform.

CSH is committed to fundraising for the project based on the costs and resources outlined in the selected proposal. CSH anticipates this fundraising to take several months. Partners can propose working on all or part of the scope of work outlined in the full Request for Qualifications.

Submission and Contact Information

Please submit one electronic copy of your proposal, with any attachments no later than October 15 to annmarie.oliva@csh.org. Questions regarding the request for qualifications are welcome and should be directed to annmarie.oliva@csh.org.



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