The TAY Triage Tool: A Tool to Identify Homeless Transition Age Youth Most in Need of Permanent Supportive Housing
A data-informed tool to help providers and systems identify and prioritize homeless youth who need a housing intervention that is permanently affordable with wrap-around support services and not time-limited. The TAY Triage Tool is very brief and made up of relatively non-invasive questions that, when delivered in a conversational format, is not just a supportive housing prioritization tool, but also a case management tool.
The tool identifies six experiences that increase a young person’s risk of experiencing five or more years of homelessness. With each experience endorsed, the risk that the young person will experience five or more years of homelessness doubles. We know that the longer a young person is homeless on the street, the higher their experiences of trauma, violence, substance abuse, and exploitation. The report contains profiles of youth who endorsed five-to-six of the experiences identified in the TAY Triage Tool, and it’s clear that the experiences in the Triage Tool are indicators of many other challenges that the youth are facing.
Methodology Brief