About the Supportive Housing Services Staffing and Budget Tool
The purpose of the CSH Supportive Housing Services Staffing and Budget Tool is to support agencies, communities, and project planners to estimate comprehensive costs for supportive housing services. The tool uses a template that includes built-in assumptions around best practice for four staffing models: Assertive Community Treatment (ACT), Intensive Case Management (ICM), Tenancy Support Services (TSS), and Critical Time Intervention (CTI). Each of these models is well-researched and has a strong evidence base for efficacy with supportive housing tenants across a variety of constituencies. The tool allows the user to model out scattered site and project-based programs and input their average staffing costs, budget assumptions, and productivity expectations to determine rates needed by agencies for a fiscally sustainable program.

How the Tool Works
For agencies shifting from grants to Medicaid services, the transition to projecting revenue and ensuring staff meet productivity goals will be an ongoing and likely challenging process. For supportive housing agencies that are negotiating with Managed Care Organizations (MCOs), the tool gives you the rates necessary to sustain your program over time and the data you need to justify your rate request to MCOs. There are no capacity limitations for leveraging or maximizing use of the tool; it is useful for all types and sizes of supportive housing programs, whether you’re working with one project of 30 tenants or across a community serving thousands of tenants.
IMPORTANT: If Microsoft Excel prompts you to “Enable Editing” when downloading the tool, please follow these steps:
Select “Enable Editing” and when prompted Yes or No for Read Only, select “No”