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Policy Brief: How State Leaders Can Take Action to Keep Families Together and Support Youth Transitions

January 2, 2024

CSH estimates that there are approximately 90,000 families and youth in need of supportive housing, including 43,646 families with child welfare involvement. While lack of...

Briefs: Federal Housing Vouchers to Support Youth Transitions
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Best Practices

December 14, 2023

These briefs discuss how Family Unification Program (FUP) and Foster Youth to Independence (FYI) federal housing vouchers can support transition, wellbeing, and stability for youth/young...

Keeping Families Together: Co-Design Report
A sheet of paper with a magnifying glass

Best Practices

August 16, 2023

CSH recognizes that meaningful changes to decrease the disproportionate representation of families of color in child welfare and homelessness must be led by the people...

Child Welfare Family Housing Voucher Briefs
A sheet of paper with a magnifying glass

Best Practices

July 7, 2023

These briefs present information on federal housing voucher programs, such as the Family Unification Program (FUP), that child welfare and housing leaders can use to...

How Child Welfare Leaders Can Support Families and Prevent Family Eviction
A sheet of paper with a magnifying glass

Systems Change

September 20, 2021

These briefs report on the impact of evictions on families and present information on what child welfare and family support leaders and their communities can...

Policy and Advocacy

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Policy and Advocacy

July 28, 2021

Communities have relied on institutional settings such as homeless shelters, jails and prisons, nursing homes, and foster care for far too long to house youth...

Best Practices

A sheet of paper with a magnifying glass

Best Practices

May 6, 2021

May 2021 |This data brief guides system providers on how to better coordinate data and services for families involved with systems, such as child welfare,...

Affordable Housing

A sheet of paper with a magnifying glass

Affordable Housing

June 16, 2020

A Renters Guide for Successful Apartment Living This guide is for anyone who will be renting an apartment for the first time. The information here...

Affordable Housing

A sheet of paper with a magnifying glass

Affordable Housing

June 16, 2020

Una Guía para la Vida en tu Apartamento Esta guía es para cualquiera que este planeando alquilar un apartamento por primera vez. La información presentada...

Affordable Housing

A sheet of paper with a magnifying glass

Affordable Housing

April 2, 2020

Families with children in supportive housing may face some unique challenges and require additional considerations when providing care during the COVID-19 crisis. This resource includes...

Housing First

A sheet of paper with a magnifying glass

Housing First

July 31, 2018

This report provides interested stakeholders with a preliminary overview of the outcome and process evaluations for the HEART (Housing, Empowerment, Achievement, Recovery and Triumph) Alliance...

Best Practices

A sheet of paper with a magnifying glass

Best Practices

July 31, 2018

This road map is a step-by-step guide to creating housing solutions for high-need families involved in the child welfare system. By improving housing stability and...