Defining Older Adults
What is often referred to as the “invisible population,” (homeless and formerly homeless elders age 50 and older), can no longer be overshadowed or overlooked. The population has grown significantly, nearly half all single homeless adults are over age 50. Supportive housing, is also experiencing a “graying” tenant population that calls for changes to the way that quality supportive housing is delivered. CSH provides the tools and solutions to promote healthy aging in supportive housing.

Assessing New Jersey’s Need for Supportive Housing for an Aging Population
The number of older adults in New Jersey is steadily growing, yet the demand for affordable, accessible housing and services far outpaces the supply. Our report examines how many additional units of supportive housing the state currently needs to meet the demand. It also highlights the demographics of those in need of supportive housing and the specific needs of each population.

Impactful Innovations: Serving a Vulnerable Aging Population
This paper highlights six diverse projects and approaches that address local communities’ need for housing and services for vulnerable older adults. Each of the models target different groups of vulnerable seniors and utilize a mixture of the funding sources along with other creative policy measures such as changes to zoning laws or money from Medicaid demonstration projects.

Beyond Aging in Place: Thriving in Supportive Housing
CSH spoke with supportive housing tenants, their case managers and other services staff to gain a better understanding of what “Healthy Aging” looks like in practice. Our conversations centered around the key challenges and opportunities tenants face as they age.
Healthy Aging Resources
This toolkit is for those who want to develop housing solutions for vulnerable aging adults by creating, enhancing and delivering quality supportive housing.
Search our comprehensive resource library for the latest in serving aging adults in supportive housing.
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