Pennsylvania Supportive Housing Coalition

The Coalition’s priorities are shaped by the contributions of 300 individuals, representing over 120 organizations from 50 PA Counties. We are calling on you to join an incredible powerhouse of advocates ready to take action. Help advocate for policy change and make Pennsylvania a place where supportive housing tenants can thrive!

A family with a mom, father, and child in a living room holding a roof over their heads to represent a house.
Photo of a woman sitting at a desk participating in a virtual meeting as seen on her laptop.

Five workgroups are open for membership and meet virtually on a quarterly basis:

  • Supportive Services Workgroup
  • Affordable Housing Workgroup
  • Challenging Community Resistance Workgroup
  • Interagency Coordination Workgroup
  • Persons with Lived Expertise Workgroup  

Coalition members commit to using their voice, sharing their experience and expertise, and leveraging their connections to advance the workgroup’s goals. On a bi-annual basis, the broader Coalition convenes virtually to discuss progress made from each of the workgroups, opportunities for advancement and partnership building, and presentations from national leaders.

Join the PA Supportive Housing Coalition today to help advocate for policy change and make Pennsylvania a place where supportive housing tenants can thrive! For more information on the Coalition’s recommended policy areas, please check out the PA Supportive Housing Policy Platform.

In Pennsylvania, individuals who identify as Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) experience homelessness and institutionalization at a disproportionate rate. The Coalition’s work aims to reduce barriers to housing by calling for an increase in housing and funding for quality supportive services. While this platform centers around statewide and regional collaboration, it remains responsive to local communities and individual needs. This work is achieved through the Coalition’s Persons with Lived Expertise Workgroup.