April 4, 2023
(Portland, OR) – Health Share of Oregon announces the selection of CSH to serve in the role of the Central Convener for Health Share’s Social Health Network. CSH is a 501(c)(3) with over 30 years of experience leading supportive housing and health-related initiatives both in Oregon and nationally.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) recently approved the State of Oregon’s application for a Section 1115 Medicaid Waiver. This waiver allows providers to bill for a set of Health-Related Social Needs services as Medicaid benefits. “Medicaid is critical to scaling health related social needs that allow people to thrive in permanent housing. Oregon’s Waiver is unique in many ways, especially its approach to health equity, which addresses the needs of communities of color that have historically had disproportionate access to physical and behavioral health support,” said Deborah De Santis, President and CEO of CSH.
In January 2023, Health Share sought an entity to serve as a Central Convener. The Central Convener will develop a network of community-based organizations (CBOs) who will support access to upcoming Health-Related Social Needs benefits for eligible Health Share members starting in 2024. Health-Related Social Needs are commonly defined as an individual’s social and economic barriers to health, such as housing instability or food insecurity.
Over the next two years, CSH will lead capacity building efforts, learning collaboratives and provide training and technical assistance for CBOs interested in being a part of Health Share’s Social Health Network. Mindy Stadtlander, Health Share of Oregon Interim Chief Executive Officer, said: “Investing in social determinants of health is a critical step towards improving health outcomes and promoting health equity. We are excited to partner with CSH to help us build local capacity and infrastructure that will support meeting the health-related social needs of Health Share members.” The proposal submitted by CSH demonstrated strengths in convening organizations, contract management, commitment to health equity and significant experience with supporting CBO capacity building. For example, CSH’s Medicaid Academy program covers the administrative aspects of Medicaid and helps CBOs set themselves up as Medicaid billers. Additionally, CSH can provide a national perspective and guide local efforts using expertise from their work helping other states with Health-Related Social Needs strategy development.
About Health Share of Oregon
Health Share of Oregon is the state’s largest Medicaid coordinated care organization, serving Oregon Health Plan members in Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington counties. Our mission is to partner with communities to achieve ongoing transformation, health equity, and the best possible health for each individual. Health Share was founded and continues to be governed by eleven health care organizations serving OHP members: Adventist Health, CareOregon, Central City Concern, Clackamas County, Kaiser Permanente, Legacy Health, Multnomah County, Oregon Health & Science University, Providence Health & Services, Tuality Health Alliance and Washington County.
Heather Lyons
Maureen Seferovich
Program Manager
Health Share of Oregon