A New Tool to Target Homeless Youth for Supportive Housing

With the generous support of the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation and the W.M. Keck Foundation, CSH partnered with Dr. Eric Rice, Assistant Professor at the University of Southern California (USC) School of Social Work, to develop a “TAY Triage Tool” that targets homeless transition age youth for permanent supportive housing.

Six life experiences were found to be associated with a significantly greater risk of experiencing five or more years of homelessness.  Certain reasons for becoming homeless and early risk taking were among the experiences identified, a number of which are clearly linked to experiences of childhood adversity.  Similar to the recently released report on Factors Associated with Adult Homelessness in Washington State (Culhane, 2013), the TAY Triage Tool research found that the likelihood of experiencing five more years of homelessness doubled with every experience endorsed by a homeless youth.  We recommend that youth who endorse four or more experiences on the tool should be prioritized for  supportive housing, to ultimately stop the next wave of chronic homelessness.

On behalf of our many partners who have informed the development of the tool so far, CSH is delighted to share this resource.


Methodology Brief

Full Report


Go to the TAY Triage Tool Table of Contents.

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