One of the hallmarks of quality supportive housing is the close coordination among all of the project partners. They have a shared commitment to the success of each tenant and to the project.

Regardless of the housing model, property/housing management staff and supportive services providers perform distinct roles, but understand one another’s functions and communicate frequently.

  • Property/housing management and supportive services have separate and distinct roles. Files and office space are not shared.
  • There is a comprehensive, written eviction prevention policy that details how all supportive housing partners work together to promote housing stability. If eviction occurs, there is evidence of communication between service provider and property manager/landlord, including evidence of prevention efforts.
  • If a tenant is behind on rent, staff works with tenants to create a rent repayment plan and ensures they have the necessary support to fulfill its terms. Click here for a Sample Rent Repayment Pledge.
  • All property/housing management and services staff have received training in order to understand one another’s roles.
  • Supportive services and property/housing management staff hold regularly scheduled forums to discuss their roles, the coordination of their efforts, any current issues, and to address gaps in services and operations.
  • Property/housing management staff promptly notifies services staff of any unmet tenant service needs. Supportive services staff promptly notifies property management staff when they observe safety or maintenance concerns.
  • When notified of any issues, property/housing management and services staff respond promptly.


Read more in our Property and Housing Management: Coordinating Management and Services section.

Next: Connecting Tenants with Services, Resources and Activities in the Community

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