Coordinated Funding

Coordinated Funding

All PHA commitments to ending homelessness are enhanced when done in partnership with other funders. PHAs don’t always think of themselves as “funders” but when allocating resources for a specific use, that’s exactly the role they play. When a PHA sets a new preference, project-bases vouchers or invites providers to work in their housing, they are best served when doing so in collaboration with other housing and service funders. MTW status is not required in order to establish collaborative funding approaches. Collaborative funding has many benefits to both the PHAs and their partners:

  • Provides assurances to PHAs that their resources will be backed up by those of other funders.
  • Ensures that projects are fully-funded and ready to start upon award.
  • Prevents providers from wasting time, energy and resources chasing dollars.

Learn from other PHAs
PHA funding partnerships range from pairing funds with one service funder to regional funding collaboratives. The following PHAs and their communities have combined their efforts to offer tax credits, capital funds, rental assistance and operating sources, and service funding for supportive housing. These impressive collaborations also have common application forms to reduce administrative burden for applicant agencies. Summaries of their funding collaborations can be found in the links below.

The St. Paul Public Housing Authority participates in a combined funders RFP with capital, operating and service funders, and offers common application forms for applicants. Click here for Minnesota’s Consolidated Request for Proposals.

The Seattle and King County Housing Authorities allocate resources under a Combined Funders Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA). Click here for Seattle/King County’s Combined Funders NOFA.


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