Data on New Jersey’s racial disparities are critical for advancing racial equity through public policy and practice. Our new report highlights the significant racial disparities for Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPoC) across multiple public systems in New Jersey due to historic and systemic racism and marginalization, with a focus on the homeless/housing and justice systems.
The overview highlights housing and justice reform findings and recent recommendations from the New Jersey Institute for Social Justice and the New Jersey Reentry Corporation, as well as actions organizations can and should take to integrate racial equity into their existing work.
Our report pulls heavily from CSH’s Racial Disparities and Disproportionality Index (RDDI) tool, a free and public resource that looks at 17 unique systems and categories and measures whether a racial and/or ethnic group’s representation in a particular public system is proportionate to, over, or below their representation in the overall population. The tool was created to support multi-sector partnership’s that design and sustain change grounded in racial equity that have long been hampered by system-level data silos.
Please read and share this report, particularly with local leaders and policymakers who are pursuing anti-racist policies and practices and whose work can benefit from leveraging the information available within the CSH tool.