Early Results of TAY Triage Tool: Confirming Validity Outside of Los Angeles

With support from the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, the TAY Triage Tool was developed by Dr. Eric Rice for CSH in conjunction with community partners in Los Angeles during 2012 and 2013. The purpose of the TAY Triage Tool is to identify youth who are at greatest risk of experiencing “long term” homelessness, which we defined as five or more years of homelessness.  The intention of the TAY Triage Tool is to identify youth and young adults most in need of a long-term housing intervention with supportive services, such as supportive housing. However, in working with different communities to utilize the TAY Triage Tool, it became clear that the tool could also be implemented to inform system-level housing and service planning.

This report details the results of preliminary implementation of the TAY Triage Tool in several communities, and resulting findings regarding the validity of the tool and its generalizability.

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