Resources Search


Policy and Advocacy

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Policy and Advocacy

July 28, 2021

Communities have relied on institutional settings such as homeless shelters, jails and prisons, nursing homes, and foster care for far too long to house youth...


October 4, 2022

Building upon the original CSH Coordinated Entry publication, this paper will examine the current state of CE and the importance of health center involvement in...

Affordable Housing

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Affordable Housing

November 11, 2019

The CSH Supportive Housing Initiative: 2013-2019 Catalog of Resources for Persons with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities CSH has created products for people interested in learning about...


December 12, 2011

This document offers an overview of how to improving Health and Health System Outcomes by Redirecting Medi-Cal Resources.


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November 23, 2023

Learn how you can assist patients with accessing the resources they need to effectively address housing insecurity and other drivers. This session included best practice...


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January 18, 2022

This introductory webinar on health and housing partnerships highlights the new accessible guide and resources created by CSH. This webinar promotes the understanding of health...


A sheet of paper with a magnifying glass


December 13, 2022

This Guide to Attracting Funding Resources to Address Social Determinants of Health Needswill explore, from the community health center perspective, approaches to attract investments inSDOH...

Best Practices

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Best Practices

October 8, 2018

Tools, Policies & Templates for Addressing Unsheltered Homelessness We encourage nonprofit organizations and government agencies to freely reproduce, share and customize the tools, template and...


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November 24, 2020

This webinar and facilitated discussion of expert panelists outlines the benefits of investing in supportive housing and the role of Medicaid for new funding streams...

Best Practices

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Best Practices

June 3, 2016

Quality affordable and supportive housing requires resources for capital to build or renovate the housing unit, revenue to support operations at the property, and funding...

Community Health Workers

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Community Health Workers

November 29, 2022

Community health workers and peer specialists, as frontline health representatives, are trusted members of the community able to leverage their health knowledge and understanding of...

Best Practices

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Best Practices

July 26, 2018

In creating and sharing the CSH Standards for Quality Supportive Housing, CSH strives to: Build the capacity of the supportive and affordable housing industries to...