Tenant File Maintenance and Record Keeping

This document will help providers design a tenant file system that will lead to easy review by funders, auditors, and attorneys (in the event documents are subpoenaed or needed for evidence), and includes a sample file organization that can serve as a checklist of documents to include in a tenant file.

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This brief titled Supportive Housing and Olmstead: State of the Conversation, February 2024, delves into critical considerations for policymakers and advocates amidst implementing state HCBS...

Supportive Housing and Olmstead: State of the Conversation
A sheet of paper with a magnifying glass

Best Practices

March 19, 2024

This brief titled Supportive Housing and Olmstead: State of the Conversation, February 2024, delves into critical considerations for policymakers and advocates amidst implementing state HCBS...