CSH is a National Training and Technical Assistance Partner (NTTAP) funded by the Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA) through the Bureau of Primary Healthcare (BPHC). We provide technical assistance to federally qualified health centers and other organizations working in tandem with health and housing, particularly those that serve individuals facing housing instability, homelessness, or residing in public housing. As part of our training and technical assistance work, we also produce several national resources like learning collaborative, national webinars, publications, tools, resources, and direct technical assistance. Key focus areas include:
- Health and Housing Partnerships
- Social Determinants of Health
- Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Homeless and Housing Programs
- Supportive Housing Development
CSH holds HRSA training and technical assistance events throughout the year. For a list of upcoming events including registration and participation information, click here. To receive notifications of upcoming events and resources directly, click here to subscribe to our mailing list.
CSH Insights
Leveraging Opioid Settlement Dollars - Benefits and Strategies for Health Centers
Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) continues to be one of the greatest public health challenges in our communities. Recent data shows a national 2.8% increase in overdose deaths between August 2022 and August 2023.1 The White House has recently released the Challenge to Save Lives from Overdose to add to our country’s evolving response. The complexity of the issue means that addressing the overdose crisis requires a multi-pronged strategy that includes prevention, harm reduction, treatment and recovery services. Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) are at the front lines of these efforts, serving over 3.3 million patients with substance use disorder in 2022.2
HRSA Resource Spotlight
Optimizing Health and Housing Partnerships: A Toolkit for Health Centers
Nearly all Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) in the United States are now screening patients on Social Determinants or Drivers of Health (SDOH). In 2022, there are more than 1.3 million patients experiencing homelessness served in FQHCs and a further 521,299 experiencing housing insecurity. As health centers advance efforts to address this, the role of front-line staff is vital for managing referral networks and connecting patients with those resources. However, partnerships between health and housing systems remain limited in scale. Many health center staff report challenges with securing leadership support and adding the capacity necessary to manage partnerships and referral networks. To address this need, CSH has developed a Health and Housing Partnerships Toolkit to assist health centers in engaging with the housing sector.
This toolkit contains resources, including specific action steps and detailed, practical information on the most common housing programs and how to access them. With this information, health centers will know how to navigate the housing sector and build internal support for deep, more sustainable partnerships addressing their community’s SDOH.
Federally Qualified Health Centers Screening for
Housing Insecurity and Homelessness
Housing Insecurity and Homelessness
HRSA Training and Technical Assistance Resources
Latest publications, briefs, case studies and resource guides on CSH’s key focus areas.
Webinar Recordings
View past live training and technical assistance webinars.
Access CSH’s HRSA interactive web-based resources, self-paced modules, and videos.
We Can Help Direct Technical Assistance
CSH’s experienced HRSA Technical Assistance (TA) team has provided direct TA to health centers and housing providers nationwide. We can help you best serve the most vulnerable people in your community.
CSH is a part of the National Resource Center (NRC) for Training and Technical Assistance (TTA). The Health Center Resource Clearinghouse provides a broad framework of resources, tools, and supports to facilitate health center professionals’ ability to access and utilize critical resources from all NTTAPs a part of the NRC.