Community Response Resources: Tools, Policies & Templates for Addressing Unsheltered Homelessness
We encourage nonprofit organizations and government agencies to freely reproduce, share and customize the tools, template and policies listed here. These documents were developed by CSH, based on materials created by Project HOME and the City of Philadelphia, as open source documents for use by any community, agency or organization without attribution to the authors required.
Signature Initiatives
CSH's signature initiative FUSE helps communities break the cycle of homelessness and crisis among individuals with complex medical and behavioral health challenges who are the highest users of emergency rooms, jails, shelters, clinics and other costly crisis services.
Housing and Health Connections
Innovations are happening in every state to integrate supportive housing with Medicaid, managed care, and the work of health centers, and the federal landscape is shifting rapidly.
HRSA Training & Technical Assistance
CSH is funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) to provide training and technical assistance to health centers and supportive housing providers looking to partner to serve vulnerable frequent users of health systems.
Moving On
The concept of moving on refers to enabling stable tenants of supportive housing who no longer require on-site services to transition to a private apartment with rental support and after care.
Impact Investment & Pay for Success
The CSH Impact Investment team invites investors, philanthropic partners, government, and supportive housing service providers to leverage our knowledge and work with us to use capital to achieve measurable social change.
Hotel to Home
CSH offers guidance and tools on how states, counties, and cities can successfully acquire and convert hotels, motels and other available residential and commercial properties into affordable and supportive housing by using existing state resources and/or federal funding.
RACE Initiative
CSH is seeking funding to develop a five-year, $65 million, national racial equity initiative designed to expand resources and access to developers who are Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC), as well as build their capacity to create and operate high-quality supportive housing.
Signature Solutions
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