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20 NH Nonprofits To Participate In Supportive Housing Institute Funded By New Hampshire Housing

Eight teams will receive training in designing supportive housing  to serve state’s homeless, seniors and persons with disabilities

Twenty New Hampshire nonprofits have been selected to participate in the first New Hampshire Supportive Housing Institute. Organized as teams, they will receive training on building new supportive housing and increasing affordable housing for specific populations in their regions. The institute is sponsored by New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority in partnership with other funders, and will be presented by CSH (Corporation for Supportive Housing).

Supportive housing is a proven model that integrates affordable housing with enriched services to help vulnerable citizens such as seniors, people experiencing chronic homelessness, and individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

The Supportive Housing Institute will run from January to May 2020 with monthly two-day intensive courses. The goal of the training is to reduce the amount of time it takes to fund a project by building a strong team that can navigate the complex process of developing supportive housing. The teams, which represent a mix of urban and rural communities, will receive customized technical assistance as they create detailed supportive housing development, management and specialized services plans.

“The institute will encourage the development of new housing and services, helping individuals in need to achieve stability and thrive in their communities,” said Dean Christon, executive director of New Hampshire Housing. “We are thrilled to partner with NHHFA in offering the state’s first supportive housing institute,” added Christi Staples, CSH’s New England director.

2020 New Hampshire Supportive Housing Institute Teams:

  • Concord Coalition to End Homelessness in partnership with Fellowship Housing and CATCH Neighborhood Housing
    Population: people experiencing chronic homelessness and/or with mental illness
  • Community Action Program Belknap-Merrimack Counties
    Population: low-income seniors
  • Community Bridges in partnership with Independent Living Concord and CATCH
    Neighborhood Housing for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities
  • HAVEN and Dover Housing Authority
    Population: Survivors of domestic violence
  • Lakes Region Community Services in partnership with Lakes Region Community Developers
    Population: Individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities
  • City of Manchester Health Department in partnership with Families in Transition-New Horizons, NeighborWorks Southern NH, Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester, The Way Home and 1269 Café
    Population: Individuals experiencing chronic homelessness and/or mental illness and substance use disorders
  • Community Action Partnership of Strafford County in partnership with Rochester Housing Authority
    Population: Seniors 62 and older
  • Our Place, Inc. in partnership with Community Partners and Central Falls Realty
    Population: Individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities

Sponsors of the New Hampshire Supportive Housing Institute include:

New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority
Northern New England Housing Investment Fund
Granite United Way
New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
New Hampshire Community Development Finance Authority
New Hampshire Endowment for Health
New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services
Housing Action New Hampshire


About New Hampshire Housing: As a self-supporting public corporation, New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority promotes, finances and supports affordable housing. NHHFA operates a number of rental and homeownership programs designed to assist low- and moderate-income persons with obtaining affordable housing. Since its inception, NHHFA has helped more than 46,000 families purchase their own homes and has been instrumental in financing the creation of almost 15,000 multi-family housing units.   |  #NHHFAHousing  |  Facebook @NewHampshireHousing  |  Twitter @NHHFA

About CSH: CSH looks to advance solutions that use housing as a platform for services to improve the lives of the most vulnerable people, maximize public resources and build healthy communities. In New Hampshire, CSH is working with communities to stimulate the creation of supportive housing. Learn more about CSH at


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Incorporating Employment in Services Focus of Oregon Institute Training

CSH recently facilitated a training as part of the Oregon Supportive Housing Institute where over 60 attendees learned about services in supportive housing. The Institute is comprised of teams from across the state of which half are from the Tri-County Region of Clackamas, Multnomah and Portland Counties.

One segment of the training centered on employment opportunities for people living in supportive housing. The primary focus was supported employment, or individualized placement and support (IPS), a proven model for employing people with special needs. The training, sponsored by Bank of America Foundation, was well received with participants providing creative ideas for supportive employment through social enterprise, among other topics. CSH is grateful for the support of our funders like Bank of America, helping us to build capacity in the field of supportive housing across the country.


Portland based team partners Home Forward and the Urban League discuss their proposed project.

Slides from the Training



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2020 Indiana Supportive Housing Institute Teams Announced

Teams will develop plans for supportive housing in Fort Wayne,
Indianapolis and Terre Haute

INDIANAPOLIS – The Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority (IHCDA) and Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH) announced today the five teams that will be participating in the 2020 Indiana Supportive Housing Institute. These teams will each establish a plan to develop affordable housing with access to supportive services for the most vulnerable individuals and families experiencing homelessness.

“The Institute continues to be a great, intentional opportunity for organizations to develop detailed, individualized supportive housing plans,” said Indiana Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch who serves as IHCDA’s board chair. “This year the focus is on our most vulnerable Hoosiers using local coordinated entry lists.”
Coordinated entry helps communities prioritize assistance based on vulnerability and severity of service needs, to ensure that people who need assistance the most can receive it in a timely manner. The core elements of coordinated entry are access, assessment, prioritization and referral.

“Coordinated entry aims to ensure greater access to housing and services to those most in need of them,” said Jacob Sipe, Executive Director of IHCDA. “Using coordinated entry lists will allow these developments to more closely address the needs of individuals currently living in these communities.”

Provided below is a list of organizations participating in this year’s Institute:

Lead Organization: Keller Development, Inc.
Partner Organizations: New Generation Management, Inc.; Brightpoint; Lutheran Social Services of Indiana; Parkview Health; and Park Center
Location: Fort Wayne

Lead Organization: Horizon House
Partner Organizations: Gratus Development and Englewood CDC
Location: Indianapolis

Lead Organization: UPholdings
Partner Organizations: Southeast Neighborhood Development and Adult & Child Health
Location: Indianapolis

Lead Organization: Mental Health America of West Central Indiana
Partner Organizations: Midwest Support Foundation, Inc. and Hamilton Center
Location: Terre Haute

Lead Organization: The Vecino Group
Partner Organizations: Adult & Child Health
Location: Indianapolis

Over the next few months, these teams will work closely with IHCDA and CSH through a series of targeted training and group exercises. They will also be provided technical assistance and presented with pre-development financing opportunities. The Institute will culminate with the Finale this summer where teams will present their plans to a group of public and private investors.

“By focusing on creating housing opportunities for individuals and families referred through coordinated entry, we will be able to reach the people most in need of housing and services who interact with multiple agencies throughout the state,” said Lori Phillips Steele, CSH Director in Indiana. “The Institute continues to serve as a national model of creating solutions directly responding to the needs of the most vulnerable in our communities.”

Following graduation from the Institute, each lead organization can apply for funding through the Rental Housing Tax Credits (RHTC) program.

Over the last decade, the Supportive Housing Institute has helped to contribute to a significant reduction (52% since 2009) in chronic homelessness in Indiana.

Media Contact
Brad Meadows
Marketing and Communications Director
Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority (IHCDA)
(317) 234-1745

The Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority (IHCDA), chaired by Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch, provides housing opportunities, promotes self-sufficiency and strengthens communities in order to build an Indiana with a sustainable quality of life for all Hoosiers in the community of their choice. For more information, visit

CSH looks to advance solutions that use housing as a platform for services to improve the lives of the most vulnerable people, maximize public resources and build healthy communities. In Indiana, CSH works closely with the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority to stimulate the creation of supportive housing for fragile individuals and families who are experiencing homelessness.


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Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority and CSH Announce 2020 Supportive Housing Institute Teams

Teams will develop plans for supportive housing in Fort Wayne,
Indianapolis and Terre Haute

INDIANAPOLIS – The Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority (IHCDA) and Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH) announced today the five teams that will be participating in the 2020 Indiana Supportive Housing Institute. These teams will each establish a plan to develop affordable housing with access to supportive services for the most vulnerable individuals and families experiencing homelessness.

“The Institute continues to be a great, intentional opportunity for organizations to develop detailed, individualized supportive housing plans,” said Indiana Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch who serves as IHCDA’s board chair. “This year the focus is on our most vulnerable Hoosiers using local coordinated entry lists.”
Coordinated entry helps communities prioritize assistance based on vulnerability and severity of service needs, to ensure that people who need assistance the most can receive it in a timely manner. The core elements of coordinated entry are access, assessment, prioritization and referral.

“Coordinated entry aims to ensure greater access to housing and services to those most in need of them,” said Jacob Sipe, Executive Director of IHCDA. “Using coordinated entry lists will allow these developments to more closely address the needs of individuals currently living in these communities.”

Provided below is a list of organizations participating in this year’s Institute:

Lead Organization: Keller Development, Inc.
Partner Organizations: New Generation Management, Inc.; Brightpoint; Lutheran Social Services of Indiana; Parkview Health; and Park Center
Location: Fort Wayne

Lead Organization: Horizon House
Partner Organizations: Gratus Development and Englewood CDC
Location: Indianapolis

Lead Organization: UPholdings
Partner Organizations: Southeast Neighborhood Development and Adult & Child Health
Location: Indianapolis

Lead Organization: Mental Health America of West Central Indiana
Partner Organizations: Midwest Support Foundation, Inc. and Hamilton Center
Location: Terre Haute

Lead Organization: The Vecino Group
Partner Organizations: Adult & Child Health
Location: Indianapolis

Over the next few months, these teams will work closely with IHCDA and CSH through a series of targeted training and group exercises. They will also be provided technical assistance and presented with pre-development financing opportunities. The Institute will culminate with the Finale this summer where teams will present their plans to a group of public and private investors.

“By focusing on creating housing opportunities for individuals and families referred through coordinated entry, we will be able to reach the people most in need of housing and services who interact with multiple agencies throughout the state,” said Lori Phillips Steele, CSH Director in Indiana. “The Institute continues to serve as a national model of creating solutions directly responding to the needs of the most vulnerable in our communities.”

Following graduation from the Institute, each lead organization can apply for funding through the Rental Housing Tax Credits (RHTC) program.

Over the last decade, the Supportive Housing Institute has helped to contribute to a significant reduction (52% since 2009) in chronic homelessness in Indiana.

Media Contact
Brad Meadows
Marketing and Communications Director
Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority (IHCDA)
(317) 234-1745

The Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority (IHCDA), chaired by Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch, provides housing opportunities, promotes self-sufficiency and strengthens communities in order to build an Indiana with a sustainable quality of life for all Hoosiers in the community of their choice. For more information, visit

CSH looks to advance solutions that use housing as a platform for services to improve the lives of the most vulnerable people, maximize public resources and build healthy communities. In Indiana, CSH works closely with the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority to stimulate the creation of supportive housing for fragile individuals and families who are experiencing homelessness.


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2020 Indiana Supportive Housing Institute Request for Proposals

An Institute Orientation webinar for prospective respondents to the RFP was held on October 23, 2019.
You can watch the recording here

CSH and the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority (IHCDA) are excited to announce the eleventh Indiana Supportive Housing Institute. The 2020 Institute will help supportive housing partners navigate the complex process of developing very affordable housing with access to supportive services. The Institute process is expected to reduce the time it takes to obtain funding for supportive housing by improving planning and development.

Teams interested in participating in the 2020 Institute must submit full RFP response applications by the deadline noted below. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Application Deadline: Monday, November 25, 2019 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time.

Submit a PDF copy of the completed application and the required attachments to CSH by e-mail to:

UPDATED FAQs: Download the Institute RFP FAQs (udpated 11/6/19).

The 2020 Institute is made possible with the generous support of the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority (IHCDA) and CSH.


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2019 Indiana Supportive Housing Institute Request for Proposals (RFP)

Institute Materials

Download a full copy of the RFP by clicking here.

Orientation Webinar Slide Presentation

Orientation Webinar Recording (click to watch and listen to the webinar).


CSH: The Source for Housing Solutions, is excited to announce its tenth Indiana Supportive Housing Institute (“The Institute”). The 2019 Institute will address issues of homelessness with a focus on serving people experiencing chronic homelessness, including veterans experiencing chronic homelessness, as further defined within this RFP. The Institute will help supportive housing partners learn how to navigate the complex process of developing housing with supportive services to prevent and end homelessness. The Institute process is expected to reduce the time it takes to obtain funding for supportive housing by improving the planning and development process. Consideration will be given to both integrated supportive housing (with no more than 25% of the housing set aside for supportive housing) and 100% supportive housing developments.

The 2019 Institute will provide targeted training, technical assistance, and the opportunity to apply for pre-development financing for both new and experienced development teams. Teams will receive over 80 hours of training including individualized technical assistance and resources to assist in completing their project. In addition, industry experts, including staff from the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority (IHCDA), will provide insight on property management, financing, and building design.

The 2019 Institute is made possible by the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority (IHCDA)

CSH: The Source for Housing Solutions, is a national nonprofit organization and Community Development Financial Institution that helps communities create permanent housing with services. Founded in 1991, CSH advances its mission by providing advocacy, expertise, leadership, and financial resources to make it easier to create and operate supportive housing. For more information on CSH, visit our website at

Institute Overview

I: Institute Benefits
Upon completion, participants in the Institute will have:

  • A detailed, individualized supportive housing plan that includes supportive service and delivery strategies that can be used to apply for funding from multiple sources;
  •  The opportunity to apply for early pre-development financing through CSH Project Initiation Loans to use on supportive housing projects planned through the Institute;
  •  Improved skills to operate existing supportive housing and develop new projects serving people who experience multiple barriers to housing;
  •  A strong, effective development, property management and service team that leverages the strengths of each team member and has clearly defined roles and responsibilities;
  •  A powerful network of peers and experts to assist in project development and to trouble-shoot problems;
  •  Post-Institute technical assistance from CSH to be defined through a shared Memorandum of Understanding (MOU); and
  •  Access to capital funding and rental assistance from IHCDA, as explained in this RFP.

II: Institute Deliverables
In the course of the Institute, teams will work to develop individual supportive housing project plans. The expected team deliverables include:

  •  Approved project concept, including site selection and minimum development design characteristics;
  •  Memorandum of Understanding among members of the supportive housing development team, outlining the roles and responsibilities of each partner;
  • A shared Institute mission statement, as well as individual team vision and mission statements;
  •  Identified key performance indicators/metrics that will be used by each team to measure and track outcomes;
  •  Community support plan;
  •  Detailed service delivery plan for specific target populations;
  •  Outreach and Engagement plans;
  •  Tenant Selection plan;
  •  Tenant Leadership plan;
  •  Management plan;
  •  Operating policies and protocols between services provider and property manager; and
  •  Preliminary project proposal and budgets.

Eligibility & Selection

I: Eligible Teams

Eligible teams must include, at a minimum, a designated team leader, a developer/owner partner with affordable housing experience, a supportive service provider partner, and a property management partner. *NOTE: For teams pursuing the HOME/HTF funding option (see Part II below), the developer/owner partner must be a non-profit entity.

The designated team leader may be the developer/owner, service provider, or property management partner. Teams are invited to bring five to seven members to each Institute session. Additional team members may include, but are not limited to, consultants and/or award administrators, local city development staff, local housing authority staff, or CoC representatives.

An entity may only be identified as the developer/owner, award administrator or consultant on one RFP submission. If an entity is listed as the developer/owner, award administrator, or development consultant on multiple proposals, all such proposals will be disqualified. Management and supportive service provider entities may be listed on multiple proposals. However, a separate dedicated staff member of equivalent position within the organization must be listed as the lead for each separate proposal.

To be eligible for the Institute, teams (all members) must be able to commit to attending ALL training sessions offered and commit to taking the project concept from idea to completion with the goal of having supportive housing units placed in service. It is critical to the success of each team that key senior management staff members consistently participate in all sessions. Training sessions will consist of approximately 80 hours in two and a half day sessions per month over four months.

Proposals will be disqualified if any team member is suspended or debarred from participation in IHCDA programs.

II: Eligible Supportive Housing Developments

Two types of developments are eligible to apply for the 2019 Institute. Three teams will be admitted into the Institute for each development type.

For each type of development identified below, the following requirements will apply:

  • Housing is permanent and affordable;
  • Tenants hold leases and acceptance of services is not a condition of occupancy;
  • Housing is based on the housing first model which includes eviction prevention and harm reduction strategies;
  • Comprehensive case management services are accessible by tenants where they live and in a manner designed to maximize tenant stability and self-sufficiency;
  • The supportive housing development must utilize the Continuum of Care Coordinated Entry system for tenant selection;
  • The supportive housing development must design tenant screening in a manner that ensures tenants are not screened out for having too little or no income, active or a history of substance use, a criminal record (with exceptions for program mandated restrictions), or a history of victimization (e.g. domestic violence, sexual assault or abuse); and
  •  The development must report through the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS).

Proposals to develop emergency shelters, transitional housing, or shared housing such as group homes or shared apartments, will NOT be considered.

Type 1: Integrated Supportive Housing Funded through Rental Housing Tax Credits

  • These developments will be eligible to request Rental Housing Tax Credits through IHCDA’s competitive Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP) application process. Integrated supportive housing developments competing in the QAP must be designed to meet the QAP’s definition of integrated supportive housing in order to qualify for special integrated supportive housing points.
  • Participation in the Institute gives access to the special points, but is not a guarantee of funding.
  • Note: The 2020/2021 QAP has not yet been written. In previous QAPS, the definition has been housing in which no more than 25% of the units, but no less than 7 units, must be designated as supportive housing. The remaining units can be affordable and/or market rate units.
  • Development teams will be eligible to request additional capital funds from IHCDA through the National Housing Trust Fund (“HTF”) and Indiana Affordable Housing and Community Development Fund (“Development Fund”) programs.
  • CSH and IHCDA will not accept applications for 100% supportive housing developments to be funded with Rental Housing Tax Credits as part of the 2019 Institute.

Type 2: Integrated or 100% Supportive Housing Funded through the HOME Program

  • These developments will be eligible to request non-competitive grant funds through the HOME Investment Partnerships Program (“HOME”). These funds will be set-aside specifically for 2019 Institute teams and are non-competitive; however, teams must meet all threshold eligibility requirements, including compliance with HOME requirements and meeting IHCDA’s underwriting review.
  • Developments that will be located within local Participating Jurisdictions (i.e. communities that receive their own allocations of HOME funds from HUD) must have a letter of support from the local PJ. IHCDA will invest HOME funds into these communities, but only if the local PJ is also willing to provide local resources to the development.
  • Development teams will be eligible to request additional capital funds from IHCDA through the National Housing Trust Fund (“HTF”) and Indiana Affordable Housing and Community Development Fund (“Development Fund”) programs.
  • These developments may be structured where 100% of the units are supportive housing, or as integrated supportive housing.

III: Target Populations- Persons Experiencing Chronic Homelessness

In the RFP response, each team must identify and describe the target population to be served by the supportive housing. All target populations must address ending chronic homelessness by utilizing one of the two target populations below. Within the narrative, each team must provide supporting data to demonstrate the local need.

  • Target Population Option #1: Persons experiencing chronic homelessness, as defined in the glossary and subject to change if the HUD definition of chronic homelessness is revised.
  • Target Population Option #2: Veterans experiencing chronic homelessness, as defined in the glossary and subject to change if the HUD definition of chronic homelessness is revised. If selecting this option, the team must agree that the focus of the development is addressing chronic homelessness. If veterans experiencing chronic homelessness cannot be identified, the units will then be offered to non-veterans experiencing chronic homelessness.

During the Institute process, CSH and IHCDA will work with each team to finalize their target population definition and tenant selection plans. Target populations must align with eligibility for federal and state programs providing funding for capital and rental assistance.

IV: Selection

In order for CSH and its partners to provide an appropriate level of technical assistance, the 2019 institute will be limited to up to 6 teams, with the goal of selecting 3 teams to create RHTC funded integrated supportive housing and 3 teams to create HOME funded supportive housing. Less than 6 total teams, or more than 3 teams of one development type, may be selected at CSH and IHCDA’s discretion depending upon the quality of responses received.

Consideration will be given to the following factors, based on responses provided within the RFP Application.
• Demonstrated local need for supportive housing, as supported by local data to be submitted as supplemental information along with the narrative. In addition, CSH & IHCDA will use their own available data sources when considering need and prioritizing projects. Special consideration will be given to areas of greatest need to address chronic homelessness;
• Capacity and experience of the team members, including financial stability;
• Quality of the response to the application narrative questions;
• Alignment with the mission and goals of the Institute, including how well applicants align their projects with the strategies and goals outlined in Home, Together, the federal strategic plan to prevent and end homelessness published by the US Interagency Council on Homelessness; and
• Coordination with CoC priorities.

Selection is a competitive process. Applicants must take care in responding to all requirements of the RFP. Please provide detailed information in the RFP response and do not assume that reviewers will be familiar with your organizational capacity or project concept.

Selected teams will be required to submit a fee of $2000 to CSH prior to the beginning of the 2019 Institute.

Supportive Housing Institute Curriculum & Timeline

Note: Order and topics may change based on final team selection and availability of trainers. Selected teams will be notified of the final agenda and dates.

  • March Session 1: Overview of the Institute; Introduction to Supportive Housing; Housing First Fidelity; Target Population: Team Member Roles; Service Delivery
  • April Session 2: Budgets; Development and Design; Site Selection; Community Support; Understanding Funding Sources
  • May Session 3: Property Management; Coordinating Management and Services; Tenant Selection and Leasing; Eviction Prevention; Fair Housing; Tenant Engagement
  • June Session 4: Putting it All Together; Challenges, Expectations and Readiness to Proceed
    Finale Event: Teams present final project concepts to peers and potential funders

Application Instructions

Teams interested in participating in the 2019 Institute must submit full RFP response applications by the deadline below. The application must be completed in its entirety. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Application Deadline: Monday, December 3, 2018 by 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time

Access the Application by clicking this link

Application Submission: Submit a PDF copy of the application and the required attachments to CSH by e-mail to:
Kathie Vida, Central Region Program Coordinator, CSH

An email confirmation will be provided as proof of receipt. If you do not receive a confirmation within 24 hours of submission, please contact Kathie at It is the applicant’s responsibility to confirm receipt of the application.

The Application Review Team (consisting of CSH and IHCDA staff) will evaluate all proposals submitted and notify applicants of the selection decision by January 14, 2019. Submission of an application represents a commitment for the team to attend all Institute sessions.

Questions & Technical Assistance

CSH and IHCDA will provide an Institute Orientation webinar for prospective respondents to this RFP on October 24, 2018 from 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Eastern Time. No registration is required. At the time of the webinar, log-in using this link. The meeting number (access code) is 730 641 272. Join by phone at 1-415-655-0002.

Questions: All questions must be submitted in writing. Please submit questions about this RFP in writing to:
Kathie Vida, Central Region Program Coordinator, CSH


Chronically Homeless: According to the Defining Chronically Homeless Final Rule, Chronically homeless means: (1) A ‘‘homeless individual with a disability,’’ as defined in section 401(9) of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 11360(9)), who:
(i) Lives in a place not meant for human habitation, a safe haven, or in an emergency shelter; and
(ii) Has been homeless and living as described in paragraph (1)(i) of this definition continuously for at least 12 months or on at least 4 separate occasions in the last 3 years, as long as the combined occasions equal at least 12 months and each break in homelessness separating the occasions included at least 7 consecutive nights of not living as described in paragraph (1)(i). Stays in institutional care facilities for fewer than 90 days will not constitute as a break in homelessness, but rather such stays are included in the 12-month total, as long as the individual was living or residing in a place not meant for human habitation, a safe haven, or an emergency shelter immediately before entering the institutional care facility;
(2) An individual who has been residing in an institutional care facility, including a jail, substance abuse or mental health treatment facility, hospital, or other similar facility, for fewer than 90 days and met all of the criteria in paragraph (1) of this definition, before entering that facility; or
(3) A family with an adult head of household (or if there is no adult in the family, a minor head of household) who meets all of the criteria in paragraph (1) or (2) of this definition, including a family whose composition has fluctuated while the head of household has been homeless.

Continuum of Care: The Continuum of Care (CoC) is designed to promote community-wide commitment to the goal of ending homelessness; provide funding for efforts by nonprofit providers, and State and local governments to quickly rehouse homeless individuals and families while minimizing the trauma and dislocation caused to homeless individuals, families, and communities by homelessness; promote access to and effective utilization of mainstream programs by homeless individuals and families; and optimize self-sufficiency among individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Indiana has three CoCs: Indianapolis, South Bend/St. Joseph County and the Balance of State.

Coordinated Entry: A centralized/coordinated process designed to facilitate program participant intake, assessment, and provision of referrals. A coordinated entry system covers the geographic area, is easily accessed by individuals and families seeking housing or services, is well advertised, and includes a comprehensive and standardized assessment tool. This definition establishes basic minimum requirements for the Continuum’s centralized or coordinated entry system. Coordinated entry is a system in which all programs within a CoC work together to assure that services are accessible and properly directed to the immediate needs of the client. It represents a national standard to help move programs such as shelter, transitional housing, rapid rehousing, and supportive housing, toward aligning eligibility criteria and services into a coherent and accessible system for people in crisis. All teams participating in the 2019 Institute agree to use Coordinated Entry for tenant selection.

Data Sources: In describing community need, data sources should include, but are not limited to: Point in Time (PIT) count data, CoC Annual Homeless Assessment Report, (AHAR) Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) data, and/or CoC Housing Inventory Chart (HIC).

Home, Together: The federal strategic plan to prevent and end homelessness. The Plan includes 8 objectives and 51 strategies that guide the nation toward accomplishing all 4 population-specific goals of the Plan. Home, Together serves as a roadmap for coordinated, joint action among the 19 USICH member agencies that make up the Council, along with local and state partners in the public and private sectors. The plan emphasizes shifting the homeless assistance system from managing to ending homelessness.

Housing First: Housing First is an approach to quickly and successfully connect individuals and families experiencing homelessness to permanent housing without pre-conditions and barriers to entry. It contrasts with previous linear approaches in which permanent housing was only offered after a person experiencing homelessness could demonstrate “readiness” for housing. The core features of housing first in the context of supportive housing models and as required by HUD are as follows: 1) Few to no programmatic prerequisites to permanent housing entry; 2) Rapid and streamlined entry into housing; 3) Full rights, responsibilities and legal protection for tenants; 4) Low barrier admission policies; 5) Voluntary supportive services that can and should be used to engage tenants to ensure housing stability; 6) Practices and policies to prevent lease violations and evictions; 7) Applicability in a variety of settings. There are national resources available to assist organizations in determining if they are providing supportive housing in a housing first model and what steps they need to take to achieve a high quality housing first model.

Integrated Supportive Housing: This model generally refers to market-rate or affordable rental developments that have a dedicated percentage of subsidized units that provide housing to formerly homeless families or individuals. Project-based vouchers are the primary source of subsidy used in integrated supportive housing. For the purpose of this RFP, integrated is defined as no more than 25% of the units set-aside for supportive housing.

Literal Homelessness: As defined by HUD, an individual or family who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, meaning:
• Has a primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place not meant for human habitation;
• Is living in a publicly or privately operated shelter designated to provide temporary living arrangements (including congregate shelters, transitional housing, and hotels and motels paid for by charitable organizations or by federal, state and local government programs); or
• Is exiting an institution where (s)he has resided for 90 days or less and who resided in an emergency shelter or place not meant for human habitation immediately before entering the institution.

Supportive Housing: Supportive housing combines permanent, affordable housing with services that help people live more stable, productive lives. Supportive housing is developed by combining housing that is affordable to persons with very low or extremely low incomes with flexible supportive services that are designed to meet the special needs of an individual or family. When targeted effectively, supportive housing can be cost-effective for communities. Creating supportive housing involves partnerships and collaboration. Supportive Housing is developed for people who but for housing could not access services and but for services could not maintain housing.

Team Leader: The person who commits to taking a lead role in managing the team from concept development through lease-up of the supportive housing units. This person should be detail oriented and have a strong commitment to this project. The team leader is responsible for ensuring that team members attend and participate in institute sessions and complete homework assignments. The team leader is also responsible for finalizing MOUs among team partners and taking information back to any key local partners.


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Indiana Supportive Housing Institute Finale & Awards

Indiana Supportive Housing Institute Finale & Awards

CSH and the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority (IHCDA) recognized outstanding achievement in supportive housing design, delivery and advancement across the Hoosier State at the finale of the Indiana Supportive Housing Institute. Four individuals were recognized for going above and beyond to ensure quality supportive housing is available to the most vulnerable in Indiana. Honorees receiving the Design & Delivery, Management Leadership and Development awards are all alumni of the Supportive Housing Institute.  Supportive housing champion Ray Lay has been a long time advocate using his voice to share his experiences in supportive housing to advance it across the state.

The finale celebration also represented the culmination of months of training for seven supportive housing development teams who will now be on their way to creating their supportive housing projects refined during the Institute process.

CSH and IHCDA was thrilled to have Indiana Lieutenant Governor Suzanne Crouch join us for the event where she noted, “As you know, IHCDA and CSH have graduated eight classes of teams that have together created over 1,400 units of supportive housing across the state of Indiana through the institute. Each of you have made the commitment to the institute process and have joined this prestigious group of community organizations, municipalities and housing providers. This year’s institute is particularly unique because there is a twofold focus. First, on serving persons experiencing homelessness with substance use disorders and secondly, youth experiencing homelessness.  These are both very serious, growing challenges, and I am pleased you are helping us address them here in Indiana.” 

The Excellence in Supportive Housing Service Design and Delivery Award

Recognizing the efforts of an agency, individual or public employee who has demonstrated leadership in the design and delivery of services in supportive housing.  Awarded to Lia Hicks with Adult & Child Health for going above and beyond to ensure high quality services are provided to tenants in supportive housing.


The Supportive Housing Management Leadership Award

Recognizing the efforts of an agency, individual or public employee who has demonstrated leadership in the design and delivery of property management in supportive housing.  Awarded to Award was given to Stacy Carlisle with Valenti Real Estate for going above and beyond to ensure high quality property management is provided to tenants in supportive housing.

To be eligible for the Service Design & Management Awards, the individual or agency must be an alumnus of the Indiana Supportive Housing Institute and successfully partnered on at least one supportive housing program that embraces a housing first approach.


The Excellence in Supportive Housing Development Award

Recognizing a developer that has demonstrated his or her commitment to furthering the mission of ending homelessness through supportive housing in Indiana. award was given to Sheryl Sharpe on behalf of Chuck Heintzelman with Milestone Ventures for embracing the principles of housing first and exemplify the spirit of working collaboratively with service providers and other non-profit partners to provide high quality housing.

To be eligible, the developer must be an alumnus of the Indiana Supportive Housing Institute and must have successfully completed at least one supportive housing development in Indiana.


Supportive Housing Community Champion Award

Recognizing the efforts of an agency, elected official or public employee who has demonstrated leadership in facilitating supportive housing projects and programs in the State of Indiana.  Awarde to Ray Lay for demonstrating leadership, action and a commitment that has affected change in the supportive housing field.

2018 Indiana Supportive Housing Institute Teams

Lead: Centerstone Indiana
Participating Organizations: Milner and Caringella, Inc.
Development Location: Bloomington

Lead: Kids in Crisis- Intervention Team, Inc. (KIC-IT)
Participating Organizations: Pioneer Development Services, Inc.; Valenti Real Estate Services, Inc., Adult & Child Health, No Place to Call Home
Development Location: Johnson County

Lead: Kokomo Housing Authority
Participating Organizations: Four County Counseling Center; Advantix Development Corporation; Flaherty and Collins Properties
Development Location: Kokomo

Lead: Herman & Kittle Properties, Inc.
Participating Organizations: Youth and Family Health Network; Integrated Wellness, LLC
Development Location: Lebanon

Lead: BWI, LLC
Participating Organizations: LifeSpring Health Systems, BIC
Development Location: New Albany

Lead: Englewood Community Development Corporation
Participating Organizations: Merchants Affordable Housing Corp.; Outreach, Inc; Adult and Child Health
Development Location: Indianapolis

Lead: Lutheran Child and Family Services of Indiana/Kentucky, Inc
Participating Organizations: TWG Development, LLC; TWG Management, LLC
Development Location: Indianapolis

The outstanding training team from CSH & IHCDA


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Indiana Supportive Housing Institute Underway!

CSH and the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority (IHCDA) are working with teams from six Indiana communities participating in the 2018 Indiana Supportive Housing Institute. Communities include: Bloomington, Johnson County, Kokomo, Lebanon, New Albany and two groups in Indianapolis. Since the first Institute began several years ago, eight classes of teams have graduated, resulting in over 1,400 supportive housing units added or under development in the state. This year’s Institute is made possible through the generosity of several sponsors, including:

  • Anthem – Premier Sponsor
  • Indiana Division of Mental Health and Addiction – Champion Sponsor
  • Ice Miller, LLP – Community Builder
  • Indiana Federal Home Loan Bank – Community Builder
  • CareSource – Community Builder
  • MHS Indiana – Community Builder
  • Butler Human Services – Friend

Over the next five months, the seven teams selected from the six Indiana communities will work closely with CSH and IHCDA through a series of targeted training and group exercises. They also will be provided technical assistance and presented with pre-development financing opportunities. The Institute will culminate with the Finale in May where teams will present their plans to create supportive housing to a group of public and private investors. Participating 2018 teams:

Team Lead: Centerstone Indiana
Participating Organizations: Milner and Caringella, Inc.
Development Location: Bloomington

Team Lead: Kids in Crisis- Intervention Team, Inc. (KIC-IT)
Participating Organizations: Pioneer Development Services, Inc.; Valenti Real Estate Services, Inc., CR Morphew Consulting LLC, United Way of Johnson County Development
Development Location: Johnson County

Team Lead: Kokomo Housing Authority
Participating Organizations: Four County Counseling Center; Advantix Development Corporation; Flaherty and Collins Properties
Development Location: Kokomo

Team Lead: Herman & Kittle Properties, Inc.
Participating Organizations: Youth and Family Health Network; Integrated Wellness, LLC
Development Location: Lebanon

Team Lead: BWI, LLC
Participating Organizations: LifeSpring Health Systems
Development Location: New Albany

Team Lead: Englewood Community Development Corporation
Participating Organizations: Merchants Affordable Housing Corp.; Outreach, Inc; Adult and Child Health
Development Location: Indianapolis

Team Lead: Lutheran Child and Family Services of Indiana/Kentucky, Inc.
Participating Organizations: TWG Development, LLC; TWG Management, LLC
Development Location: Indianapolis


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Los Angeles Supportive Housing Institute

Learn About the Upcoming Los Angeles Supportive Housing Institute

Two Upcoming Informational Webinars

The goal of ending homelessness in Los Angeles is receiving unprecedented attention and resources. Comprehensive funding and strategies to end homelessness have been approved by the State, City and County. There is a clear understanding that supportive housing is the solution.

With a new Supportive Housing Institute that will take place this March through December, CSH is building the capacity of local providers and developers in LA to take advantage of these new public funding streams while infusing national quality standards into supportive housing production. The LA Supportive Housing Institute will provide a forum for interactive and effective team building and project planning among project managers, direct service providers and property management staff.

Join us on one of our upcoming Institute Informational Webinars

Download or stream a recording of our first informational webinar, held on February 2.

Thursday, February 15 at 11:00 AM PT- click to register

Download our Institute Overview for more additional details. 


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Teams announced for the 9th Annual Indiana Permanent Supportive Housing Institute

INDIANAPOLIS – The Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority (IHCDA) and Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH) announced today that teams from six Indiana communities will be participating in the 2018 Indiana Supportive Housing Institute. Communities include: Bloomington, Johnson County, Kokomo, Lebanon, New Albany and two groups in Indianapolis.

“The Institute continues to be an extraordinary opportunity for these organizations to develop detailed, individualized supportive housing plans,” said Indiana Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch who serves as IHCDA’s board chair. “It also provides a network of support for housing partners so they can better navigate the process of developing permanent supportive housing.”

Over the next five months, these 7 teams will work closely with IHCDA and CSH through a series of targeted training and group exercises. They will also be provided technical assistance and presented with pre-development financing opportunities. The Institute will culminate with the Finale in May where teams will present their plans to a group of public and private investors.

Provided below is a list of organizations participating in this year’s Institute:

Team Lead: Centerstone Indiana
Participating Organizations: Milner and Caringella, Inc.
Development Location: Bloomington

Team Lead: Kids in Crisis- Intervention Team, Inc. (KIC-IT)
Participating Organizations: Pioneer Development Services, Inc.; Valenti Real Estate Services, Inc., CR Morphew Consulting LLC, United Way of Johnson County Development
Location: Johnson County

Team Lead: Kokomo Housing Authority
Participating Organizations: Four County Counseling Center; Advantix Development Corporation; Flaherty and Collins Properties
Development Location: Kokomo

Team Lead: Herman & Kittle Properties, Inc.
Participating Organizations: Youth and Family Health Network; Integrated Wellness, LLC
Development Location: Lebanon

Team Lead: BWI, LLC
Participating Organizations: LifeSpring Health Systems
Development Location: New Albany

Team Lead: Englewood Community Development Corporation
Participating Organizations: Merchants Affordable Housing Corp.; Outreach, Inc; Adult and Child Health
Location: Indianapolis

Team Lead: Lutheran Child and Family Services of Indiana/Kentucky, Inc.
Participating Organizations: TWG Development, LLC; TWG Management, LLC
Development Location: Indianapolis

Since the initiative began, eight classes of teams have graduated, resulting in over over 1,400 permanent supportive housing units added or under development in the state. This has helped to contribute to a significant (38%) reduction in chronic homelessness in Indiana. Permanent supportive housing, or housing first, also provides support services for individuals suffering from drug addiction.


The Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority (IHCDA), chaired by Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch, provides housing opportunities, promotes self-sufficiency and strengthens communities in order to build an Indiana with a sustainable quality of life for all Hoosiers in the community of their choice. For more information, visit or

CSH looks to advance solutions that use housing as a platform for services to improve the lives of the most vulnerable people, maximize public resources and build healthy communities. In Indiana, CSH works closely with the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority to stimulate the creation of supportive housing for fragile individuals and families who are experiencing homelessness.