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Request for Proposal (RFP) for NEW MARKETS TAX CREDITS (NMTC) Consulting Services

Corporation for Supportive Housing (“CSH”) is seeking proposals from qualified firms or individuals to provide NMTC consulting services. The ideal consultant will have deep knowledge of the NMTC program, prior NMTC consulting experience, continually keep abreast of NMTC program updates and changes and be able to communicate how the changes and updates apply to CSH’s NMTC program and perform the tasks listed below.

Founded in 1991, CSH’s mission is to advance solutions that use housing as a platform for services to improve the lives of the most vulnerable people, maximize public resources and build healthy communities.  Our work stems from our fundamental belief that supportive housing—affordable housing combined with services—is the solution to ending homelessness for those individuals who face the most complex challenges, such as physical and behavioral health conditions and substance use disorders.  Read more about CSH online at


The Scope of Services as described below shall require the Consultant to drive and provide these key deliverables:

1. Assess the qualification of Qualified Low-Income Community Investments (QLICIs) proposed by CSH, in accordance with IRC Regulations and CSH’s Allocation Agreement.

2. Where applicable, review available property leases or letters of interest to evaluate the likelihood and documentation that tenants/prospective tenants are qualified lessees, in accordance with IRC Section 45D.  Also provide guidance, as needed, during NMTC closings related to future compliance with IRC/CDFI regulations.

3. For future QLICIs made by CSH, collect and review data and representations to ensure they support the “Reasonable Expectation” position related to CSH’s loan or investment.

4. Register QEIs in the CDFI Fund’s Award Management Information System (hereinafter referred to as “AMIS”)  within 60-days of each QEI closing and project and note data into AMIS within 60 days of each QLICI closing

5. Perform and properly document the Substantially-All investment test based on information provided by CSH in year one of the initial QEI and on six-month intervals thereafter, utilizing either the Safe Harbor or Direct Tracing Method.

6. Review CDE’s Board/Advisory Board minutes to determine if the minutes support CSH’s mission requirements and also demonstrate compliance with IRC Section 45D low-income community representation accountability requirements.

7. Prepare annual low-income community (LIC) representative Board/Advisory Board

confirmations. When the completed forms are received, determine whether the designated LIC representatives have maintained their LIC status in order for CSH to continually maintain its accountability requirements and retain its CDE status throughout the NMTC compliance period.

8. Collect, assemble and subsequently file all information necessary to submit CSH’s Institutional Level Report in AMIS within 180 days of the CDE’s year end, in accordance with the terms of CSH’s Allocation Agreement.

9. Assemble and file such information necessary to submit the CSH’s Transactional Level

Report in AMIS within 180 days of CSH’s year-end in accordance with the terms of the Allocation Agreement.

10. Collect the information needed and subsequently submit CSH’s QEI Closeout Report in AMIS, within 30 days of submitting the Transactional Level Report and Institutional Level Report and report the dissolution of sub-CDEs in AMIS.

11. Monitor and track that annual distributions are made on a pro-rata basis to help prevent a potential tax credit recapture event.

II. Proposal Requirements & Selection Process

  1. Please provide a brief overview of your firm and its core services, explaining how NMTC consulting fits into your service mix.
  2. Please provide two to three clients we can use as references.
  3. Please provide an overview of your NMTC consulting approach, specifically addressing: (a) activities involved; (b) requirements of CSH (i.e., people, resource, and time commitments); (c) substance and format of your output and reporting.
  4. Describe the NMTC education and training you offer.
  5. Please identify the personnel who would conduct this engagement, describing their roles and educational and professional qualifications. If you expect to outsource any portion of this engagement to partners, please identify them and describe their specific roles, bearing in mind that we expect your firm will shoulder 100% accountability for the success of the engagement, as well as for any acts, errors, or omissions in the provision of services.
  6. Please provide your cost proposal, including any discounts for multi-year engagement, and clearly delineate any services that would not be included in your scope of work.

Any questions regarding the RFP submission should be directed to:

Matthew Hughes, Director of Loan Administration
212-986-2966 Ext. 220

Please submit your proposal electronically in Adobe PDF format no later than the close of business on January 10, 2025 to:

Eileen Hawes, Chief Financial Officer
Corporation for Supportive Housing
212-986-2966 Ext. 235

Although generalized promotional literature is welcomed, it may not substitute for original narrative responses to the questions posed in Section II.  We reserve the right to disqualify any proposal for lack of responsiveness or specificity.

All expenses associated with proposal preparation and presentation, including travel, shall be borne by the respondents.

Following evaluation of all proposals, we may invite oral presentations, the dates, and times to be scheduled as mutually convenient.  We expect to select our consultant by January 27, 2025. Work would start immediately upon engagement.

The Consultant can be located anywhere in the United States, and the services may be provided virtually.

Please note that CSH requires subcontractors, including individuals and sole proprietors, to carry workers’ compensation insurance and Commercial General Liability (CGL) insurance while performing work under a CSH subcontract.  CSH subcontractors cannot have existing, pending, or expired debarments that preclude them from doing business with the United States government and cannot have convictions for, nor have any pending indictments for, fraud or a criminal offense in connections with a public contract or subcontract. 


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CSH and PATH Collaborate to Launch Pilot Testing Individual Employment Support of Supportive Housing Tenants


Los Angeles, CA | December 2, 2024 – CSH (Corporation for Supportive Housing) a national nonprofit intermediary and Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) today announced it is collaborating with PATH, a California-based affordable and supportive housing provider, on a groundbreaking randomized controlled trial (RCT) testing the impact of evidence-based supported employment services for people recently experiencing homelessness and who have a range of disabilities and mental health challenges. Westat, a national consulting and research firm overseeing and evaluating RCT, began enrolling study participants in Los Angeles through PATH.

CSH and Westat initiated the Supportive Housing and Individual Placement and Support (SHIPS) pilot to examine whether Individual Placement and Support (IPS), in comparison with the usual employment services offered to supportive housing tenants, will help recently homeless people who are experiencing the stability of supportive housing find and maintain employment. The goal is to improve self-sufficiency in a population with a history of homelessness and high rates of disability and mental illness.

Individual Placement and Support (IPS) is an evidence-based approach to supported employment for people with mental illness. It emphasizes rapid job placement in competitive employment settings followed by ongoing support from a vocational specialist. It works by integrating vocational services with case management and mental health treatment in a team-based approach that provides personalized job search assistance and ongoing support to maintain employment.

“This pilot intersects supportive housing and IPS, two evidence-based models with so many overlapping principles and core values. Therefore, we knew we had to find out whether IPS could work in a supportive housing setting,” said Dara Weinger, a Senior Program Manager at CSH, who pitched the pilot to CSH senior leadership. “Employment is a pathway to economic security and independence for people living in supportive housing, and we felt that we would be doing a disservice to supportive housing residents by not asking the simple question, ‘Do you want to work?’”

Sasha Morozov, Regional Director for PATH Los Angeles shared, “This innovative program offers a new level of employment support for our permanent supportive housing residents who are looking for the stability and independence that employment can offer. This truly demonstrates that “Housing First” does not mean ‘Housing Only.’ Once people make it home, they can work on other goals, and we are excited to help more of our residents enter the workforce.”

SHIPS will randomly assign 200 supportive housing and rapid rehousing or Time Limited Subsidy (TLS) tenants in the Los Angeles area to receive either IPS or the typical services available in supportive housing. In addition to current supportive housing services, PATH will provide IPS services, case management, and mental health support

The United States Social Security Administration (SSA) is providing Westat $3 million in funding to lead the research and provide additional consultation. In 2023, the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation and Cedars-Sinai provided more than $1 million in additional funding to plan and launch a pilot IPS program at PATH in preparation for SHIPS. When the year-long SHIPS enrollment period begins, Westat will track and evaluate each participant for two years.

“CSH is delighted at the enthusiasm this idea generated among our collaborating partners, including the Social Security Administration and Westat and our generous funding partners. We are grateful for their collaboration, support, and commitment to helping supportive housing residents achieve their highest level of stability, autonomy, and improved well-being,” said David Howden, Director, CSH Los Angeles.


For the last 40 years, PATH has worked to end homelessness for individuals, families, and communities. We do this by providing supportive services and building affordable and supportive housing across the state. PATH has staff in 150 cities across California and provides supportive services to over 26,000 unhoused individuals each year. Learn more at:

Media Contacts:
CSH, Jesse Dean, Director, Strategic Communications | or 347-931-0132
PATH, Tyler Renner, Senior Director of Communications | tylerr@epathorg or 619-712-9121


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CSH’s RACE Initiative Named a Silver Winner in the 4th Annual Anthem Awards 

We are honored to announce that CSH’s Redesigning Access by Centering Equity (RACE Initiative) has been named a Silver Winner in the Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion: Community Engagement category in the 4th Annual Anthem Awards. With more than 2,300 entries submitted from 34 countries worldwide, the 4th Annual Anthem Awards was the most competitive season yet.

“The Finalists of this year’s Anthem Awards are truly inspiring and I am honored to help elevate their impact,” said Anthem Awards General Manager, Patricia McLoughlin. “At this moment, there is a lot of uncertainty in our world, but the tireless and extraordinary efforts of the Anthem Awards community provide hope that a better tomorrow is possible. Thank you to everyone doing this work and making an impact.” 

The RACE Initiative is the centerpiece of CSH’s efforts to build the organizational capacity of Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) affordable/supportive housing developers by increasing their access to capital, providing guidance and expertise, and fostering systems change by addressing barriers to growth. Through the RACE Initiative, CSH is holistically addressing systemic racism that has caused both an overrepresentation of BIPOC within the homeless system and an underrepresentation of BIPOC developers in affordable/supportive housing.

About The Anthem Awards:

Launched in 2021 by The Webby Awards, The Anthem Awards honors the purpose & mission-driven work of people, companies, and organizations worldwide. By amplifying the voices that spark global change, the Anthem Awards is defining a new benchmark for impactful work that inspires others to take action in their own communities. The Anthem Awards honors work across seven core causes: Diversity; Equity & Inclusion; Education; Art & Culture; Health; Human & Civil Rights; Humanitarian Action & Services; Responsible Technology; and Sustainability, Environment & Climate. This season’s partners include Ms. Magazine, The Female Quotient, Sustainable Brands, NationSwell, and TheFutureParty. The Awards were founded in partnership with the Ad Council, Born This Way Foundation, Feeding America, Glaad, Mozilla, NAACP, NRDC, WWF, and XQ.


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November is National Youth Homelessness Awareness Month

Affordable housing paired with tailored support services prevents housing instability, addresses homelessness, and empowers young people to build healthy, thriving lives. When youth and young adults have a safe place to call home, along with supportive relationships and access to services tailored to their unique needs and aspirations, they can achieve housing stability and prevent homelessness.

A range of factors contribute to young people’s experiences of homelessness and housing instability. In particular, youth and young adults of color are disproportionally impacted by housing instability. Youth and young adults of color are also more likely to experience involvement with the child welfare system or foster care. Every year, more than 20,000 youth and young adults age out of foster care. Research shows that these young people are at very high risk for experiencing homelessness. Between 31%-46% of these young people will experience homelessness before the age of 26.

Creating Housing and Services Opportunities for Youth and Young Adults 

Foster Youth to Independence Housing Vouchers & Family Unification Program Vouchers for Youth 

Both the Foster Youth to Independence (FYI) and Family Unification Program for Youth provides an up to 36-month housing voucher for youth ages 18 through 24 years who:  

  • Left foster care at age 16 or older or will leave foster care within 90 days through the formal child welfare transition plan, and 
  • Is experiencing or is at risk of experiencing homelessness. 

These vouchers can be extended for up to 60 months if certain criteria are met. Also, housing authorities can apply to access youth housing vouchers from HUD “on demand” and whenever opportunities for competitive applications are announced.

The Need for FYI by State and Housing Authorities Administering FYI 

National Alliance to End Homelessness has created maps to show: 1) the rates of homelessness for young and young adults transitioning out of foster care, and 2) the percentages of housing authorities in each state that are accessing FYI vouchers. You can also view the resources below for additional information about housing authorities that administer FYI vouchers.

Action Steps

Steps for child welfare and housing sector leaders to better leverage FYI and FUP vouchers

    • Understand the need for FYI vouchers in your state and identify a housing authority and child welfare partner to discuss increasing access to FYI vouchers in your community

    • Invite your local partners to discuss the need and strategies to access and utilize FYI vouchers

Creating and Improving Supportive Housing and Affordable Housing for Youth and Young Adults 

Over the last five years, CSH’s lending and community investment has supported the creation of 631 permanent supportive housing units and 606 affordable housing units dedicated to youth and young adults. These new affordable and supportive housing units are located across the country – from California to New York, Georgia to Indiana, and Washington State to Maryland. 

CSH also provides technical assistance to youth-specific developments, such as Arlington Drive in Tacoma, WA. In New Jersey, CSH worked closely with the New Jersey Department of Children, Youth and Families to create this resource guide around working with youth and young adults.

Additional information on CSH’s work to support both youth and families can be found here: Youth and Families – Housing and Cross-Sector Solutions – Corporation for Supportive Housing 

Action Steps

Steps for child welfare and housing leaders to create and improve housing opportunities for youth

SAMHSA has programs and resources to help prevent and end homelessness, including among youth with mental health or substance use disorders.

National Youth Homelessness Awareness Month 2024 graphic which directs people to SAMHSA's resources.


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Iowa Supportive Housing Institute 2025

About the Institute

CSH and the Iowa Finance Authority (IFA) are pleased to offer the first Iowa Supportive Housing Institute beginning in March 2025. The Institute will focus on developing income targeted affordable housing with support services (supportive housing) for those Iowans with the highest needs who are also experiencing homelessness. The Institute will help supportive housing partners learn how to navigate the often complex process of developing housing with supportive services to prevent and end homelessness.

How to Apply

Application Deadline: Friday, December 13, 2024

Application Submission: Responses must be submitted to

An email confirmation will be provided as proof of receipt. If you do not receive a confirmation by end of day Monday, December 16, 2024, please contact It is the applicant’s responsibility to confirm receipt of the application.

Informational Webinar

An informational webinar will be held on November 4, 2024 from 1PM to 2PM CT for prospective respondents to this application. 


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Washington Supportive Housing Institute 2024

About the Institute

The Washington Supportive Housing Institute (SHI) brings teams across various sectors together for intensive and interactive workshops covering all aspects of creating affordable and supportive housing. The Institute provides tools and support to help teams build their project plans and bring them to reality. Teams graduate from the Institute with a housing development plan and a path for acquiring funding.

Who Should Apply?

We are looking for teams who want to create supportive housing to end homelessness in Washington. These teams can include:

  • Supportive housing developers
  • Affordable housing developers looking to expand into supportive housing
  • Service providers looking to create a new supportive housing project

How to Apply

Application Deadline: Wednesday, November 13th, 2024 by 11:59 p.m. PST. 

The application must be completed in its entirety. Incomplete applications will not be considered. The application review team will evaluate all proposals and notify applicants of their selection by mid-December 2025. 

Submission: Submit an electronic copy of the application and the attachments in PDF form to CSH by email to:

Informational Webinar

An informational webinar was held on October 21st, from 2PM to 3PM PST for prospective respondents to this application. Click here to watch the recording.


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Subcontracting Opportunity: Orange County Supportive Housing Pilot Program Evaluation for Supportive Housing Tenants with Lived Experience of Homelessness

CalAIM Housing Opportunities and Innovations Collaborative Evaluation (CHOICE)


CSH seeks to contract with 3 individuals with lived experiences of homelessness who are willing to share their expertise as supportive housing tenants as part of a pilot program focused on incorporating CalAIM Housing Tenancy and Sustaining Services into supportive housing service programs for tenants in three supportive housing in Orange County. The individuals selected will serve as “consultants” to CSH starting in October 2024 through October 2026.

Selected consultants of the Orange County Supportive Housing Pilot Program Evaluation will act as consultants as part of a two-year process and outcome evaluation of the CalAIM Housing Tenancy and Sustaining Services pilot program. This role includes responsibility for collaborating with health and housing partners, including the Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH), Jamboree Housing Corporation, Orange County, CalOptima Health and other initiative members, to analyze the impact of these services on tenant outcomes at three Orange County supportive housing developments.  The pilot will assess tenant outcomes, service utilization, and the sustainability of Medi-Cal funding for supportive housing services. As a consultant, your insights and lived experience will shape the design and implementation of this evaluation to ensure the tenant’s voice is central.

Planned activities:

  1. Attend quarterly meetings of the Evaluation Advisory Committee, providing guidance on the design and evaluation of Housing Tenancy and Sustaining Services.
  2. Collaborate with supportive housing tenants, researchers, and service providers to co-design the evaluation process.
  3. Provide feedback on the accessibility and impact of services on supportive housing tenants.
  4. Provide recommendations for best practices that address the needs of supportive housing tenants, for example recommendations to support tenants in enrolling for MediCal.
  5. Ensure tenant experiences, challenges, and successes are accurately captured in the evaluation.

Expected Outcomes, Milestones, and Deliverables – October 2024 to October 2026:

Task 1: Evaluation Advisory Committee Meetings (Quarterly)

The selected consultants will participate in monthly meetings.

Task 2: Meetings with CSH staff (As-needed)

The selected consultants will participate in meetings with CSH staff between Advisory Committee meetings as needed throughout the duration of the contract. These meetings may be held by phone, video, or in-person. CSH will provide funding for travel expenses as needed.

Task 3: Attend meetings with evaluation staff. (As-needed)

The selected consultants will be on-call to actively and regularly participate in meetings with evaluation project staff. Meetings will typically take one hour and will happen during regular business hours Monday through Friday via video meetings, phone calls, or in-person in Orange County. The selected consultants will be requested to attend up to 10 such meetings and are required to be available for at least half of these requests. CSH will provide funding for travel expenses as needed.

Task 4: Other tasks as-requested (As-needed)

From time to time, evaluation staff may request one or more of the selected consultants to participate in other activities to advance our collective evaluation project goals. These activities might include: sharing their policy perspectives and life experiences with a variety of audiences, participating in the evaluation project, recording videos, giving input to evaluation staff on related aspects of this work, etc. These tasks will be upon request, and the selected consultants can accept them or decline them as they wish. CSH will provide funding for travel expenses as needed.

Funding Available:

This project requires a minimum time commitment of 90 hours over a 24-month period and is expected to require a maximum of 150 hours at a compensation rate of $50/hr, not to exceed $9,000. Please note, this contract requires a commitment from October 2024 to October 2026.

Application Process and Vendor Requirements:

To apply for this opportunity, please complete this online INTEREST FORM. Applicants may be asked to participate in one or two interviews with CSH staff prior to selection. Each interview will not be more than one hour. Any applicants not selected will be informed by phone call and email.

Required Qualifications:

Interviews scheduled before the deadline will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Lived experience of homelessness and housing instability, with a deep understanding of the challenges faced by supportive housing tenants.
  • The willingness and ability to share lived expertise of homelessness with diverse audiences.
  • Must be a current or former resident (within the last 12 months) of supportive housing in Orange County.
  • Experience and/or interest in Medi-Cal healthcare services.
  • Experience and desire to be part of and working with racially diverse people and communities.
  • Demonstrated commitment to homelessness and housing planning and/or evaluation is preferred.
  • Demonstrated ability to work well with a variety of individuals and/or agencies.
  • Ability to track and report hours worked.
  • A balanced perspective and understanding of the ups and downs of evaluation work.
  • Ability to commit to the minimum number of hours.

CSH encourages individuals with a diverse array of experiences and backgrounds to apply.   

Please note: CSH aims to be a responsible partner to the people we pay for time-limited work who are receiving public benefits by providing them with as much support as possible and appropriate to help them make informed choices about how much they want to work for us and/or for other organizations. Due to the highly specialized and individualized nature of this work, however, CSH does not currently have the expertise to provide benefits counselling to individuals but will provide as much support as possible to connect individuals with outside partner benefits counselling, so they can make the most informed decision as it relates to their ability to commit to this position.

Please note that CSH requires subcontractors, including individuals and sole proprietors, to carry workers’ compensation insurance and general liability insurance while performing work under a CSH subcontract.  CSH subcontractors cannot have existing, pending or expired debarments that preclude them from doing business with the United States government and cannot have convictions for, nor have any pending indictments for, fraud or a criminal offense in connection with a public contract or subcontract.

Please contact Peter Wang, Senior Program Manager with any additional questions regarding the CalAIM Housing Opportunities and Innovations Collaborative Evaluation (CHOICE) consultant opportunity and how to apply (



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RFP: Oregon-Washington RACE Initiative

CSH is pleased to announce a Request for Proposal to select a group of eight capacity building grant recipients who together will form our inaugural cohort of the Oregon-Washington ‘Redesigning Access by Centering Equity’ (RACE) Initiative Supportive Housing Lab. The Oregon Washington RACE Initiative Supportive Housing Lab (OR WA-RISHL) is designed to encourage participation of housing organizations led by Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC). The OR WA-RISHL will provide participants with financial support, needs assessment consulting, and technical assistance to build their capacity, internal infrastructure, resources, and sustainability to increase the supply of supportive housing in Oregon and Washington. 

CSH will select a cohort of eight Oregon and Washington-based developers, each of whom will be awarded a grant of $20,000 made possible through funding CSH received from the U.S. Bank Foundation’s Opportunity Fund. The eight grantees will gather virtually for a series of co-learning and peer support sessions as a group of development partners who share a common goal of expanding supportive housing production. Together, they will deepen their organizational capacity as they pursue individual supportive housing projects. 

RFP response/applications are due Wednesday, October 30th, 2024  by 11:59 p.m. PST. The application must be completed in its entirety. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered. The Application Review Team will evaluate all proposals and notify applicants of their selection in December 2024.

Informational Webinar

An informational webinar was held on October 16th for prospective respondents. Click here to view the recording.


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Request for Qualifications: Supportive Housing Asset Management Expertise

Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH) is seeking consultants with expertise in supportive housing property management, asset management planning, finance and portfolio management, to work with CSH on supportive housing preservation projects.  Work may include direct technical assistance (TA) to existing projects or working with CSH to create written resources and training for the supportive housing field. 

About CSH

CSH’s mission is to advance solutions that use housing as a platform for services to improve the lives of the most vulnerable people, maximize public resources and build healthy communities.  CSH is headquartered in New York City with staff across the country.  CSH does not directly operate or develop supportive housing (SH).

Sample Scope of Work

CSH is seeking asset management experts to provide technical assistance and training including writing short publications and trainings for supportive housing organizations.  The selected individuals/firms will serve as a consultant to CSH for the next 6-9 months.   Topics may include:

  • Asset Evaluation and Optimization – Identifying opportunities for improving supportive housing performance and maximizing returns. This could include asset evaluation, capital needs & property assessments, inclusive of annual budgeting, completion of funding applications, major renovation planning, etc.
  • Strategic Planning – Identifying areas and developing goals and increasing efficiencies for both management and property operations, establishing annual performance benchmarks.
  • Risk Management – Establishing to safeguard supportive housing assets and ensure compliance with industry and funder requirements.   
  • Performance Monitoring -Provide ongoing monitoring and reporting to track the performance of the supportive housing asset/portfolio and make data-driven decisions.

Consultant Description

Ideal consultants would demonstrate qualifications, experience and expertise that includes:

  • Affordable Housing/Supportive Housing Asset Management experience – demonstrated experience providing oversight and monitoring services for operation and financial supports of an AH/SH real estate portfolio; those specifically developed with financial and other forms of funding from government entities (LIHTC, HUD, RAD, etc.)
  • Data Management & Technological – experience making data-driven decisions, using new technologies for data analysis, client management, and operational efficiencies. Efficient in tracking and managing large volumes of data, integrating KPI dashboards and/or PSH indicators for monitoring and performance.
  • Managing Under-performing Assets within a Portfolio – demonstrated experience designing effective solutions to address underperforming assets, ability to identify root causes of underperformance, creation of action steps to improve performance and manage liquidity of asset in challenging market conditions.  

Application Process and Requirements:

To express interest in working with CSH, submit the requested documents (below) via email to Katrina Van Valkenburgh, no later than October 15, at   CSH encourages individuals with a diverse array of experiences and backgrounds to apply.   

Requested Documentation:

  • A written summary of qualifications, skills, and how you would approach technical assistance and/or creating resources for supportive housing organizations (not to exceed 2 pages);
  • Resume demonstrating experience relevant to supportive housing asset management;
  • Your hourly consulting rate; and
  • 1-2 sample documents or professional references that demonstrate previous experience.

Please note that CSH requires subcontractors, including individuals and sole proprietors, to carry workers’ compensation insurance and general liability insurance while performing work under a CSH subcontract. CSH will work with subcontractors on these requirements. 

CSH subcontractors cannot have existing, pending or expired debarments that preclude them from doing business with the United States government and cannot have convictions for, nor have any pending indictments for, fraud or a criminal offense in connection with a public contract or subcontract.


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Apply for the New York Supportive Housing Institute

CSH is excited to announce our first-ever New York Supportive Housing Institute, which will begin December 2024. This is an exciting opportunity for emerging supportive housing developers, supportive service providers, and property managers in New York State.  

About the Institute

The New York Supportive Housing Institute (SHI) will bring together a cohort of emerging developer teams for intensive and interactive workshops covering all aspects of creating quality affordable and supportive housing. The Institute provides tools and support to help teams build their project plans and convert them into reality.  

Teams graduate from the Institute within 9-12 months with a housing development plan and a path for acquiring funding. We expect the Institute to take place from December 2024 until September 2025. 

This Institute encourages participation by BIPOC-led developers planning for projects financed through the NYS Empire State Supportive Housing Initiative (ESSHI). 

What Teams Receive

The Institute has a strong record of accomplishment across the country, with graduates experiencing an 80% success rate in bringing projects into operation. Teams receive benefits including, but not limited to: 

  • A complete affordable supportive housing plan from concept to shovel-ready 
  • Monthly group training sessions 
  • Individualized technical assistance 
  • One-on-one mentorship opportunities with seasoned developers  
  • A powerful network of peers and industry experts 
  • Capital grants to support their project 

Mentorship Opportunities

We are thrilled to announce that, through support from Deutsche Bank, we will be offering one-on-one mentorship opportunities through this Institute to support and connect emerging BIPOC development teams with seasoned developers. 

If you are interested in serving as a mentor for an emerging developer, please email 

Who Should Apply to the Institute? 

We are looking for teams that include a first-time/emerging supportive housing developer that has received, or plans to apply for, an operating subsidy through ESSHI. These teams can include:  

  • Emerging supportive housing developers  
  • Affordable housing developers looking to expand into supportive housing
  • Service providers looking to create a new supportive housing project 
  • Joint venture partnerships including for-profit developers and non-profit service providers 

All eligible teams are invited to apply, especially BIPOC-led projects. We are defining BIPOC-led as meeting two of the three criteria below: 

  • CEO/Executive Director identifies as POC  
  • 51% of senior leadership identifies as POC 
  • 51% of executive board identifies as POC 

Joint Ventures that include one BIPOC-led partner are eligible. Both partners do not have to be BIPOC-led. 

A maximum of six to seven teams will be selected to participate in the 2024-2025 NY Institute, depending on projected availability of resources. 

How to Apply?

The SHI application opened on September 9th, 2024 and will close on October 11th, 2024. 

Submission: Please send an electronic copy of the application and the attachments in PDF form to CSH by email to:  

Application Deadline: Friday, October 11th, 2024, by 5:00 PM Eastern Time.

An email confirmation will be provided as proof of receipt. If you do not receive a confirmation within one business day, please contact It is the applicant’s responsibility to confirm receipt of the application

Info Session

CSH held a virtual Info Session for prospective applicants on September 18, 2024, from 10:00 -11:00 AM Eastern Time.  

A recording of the info session will be shared out to registrants and posted on this page. 


What is the Selection Process & Timeline? 

Selection is a competitive process. Applicants must take care in responding to all requirements of the application. Please provide detailed information in the narrative response and do not assume that reviewers will be familiar with your organizational capacity or project concept.   

The Review Team (consisting of CSH staff) will evaluate all proposals submitted and aim to notify respondents of the selection decision during the week of November 4th, 2024. Submission represents a commitment for the team to attend all Institute sessions.   

The 2024-2025 New York Institute is made possible by Deutsche Bank, CSH’s RACE Initiative, and ERP. Thanks to this support and their commitment to supportive housing, the Institute is offered free of charge to participants.

Additional Resources

Upcoming Events

  • CSH will provide a virtual Office Hour session for prospective Institute applicants on Friday, October 4, 2024, from 10-11 AM Eastern Time. Please register on Zoom before the meeting.
  • Please join us in celebrating and raising funds for CSH’s first-ever New York Supportive Housing Institute. We will be holding the NY Supportive Housing Institute Launch Event & Fundraiser on Thursday, November 21st from 5:30-8pm at 55 Broadway, Mezzanine, New York, NY. Proceeds from the event will go directly toward the Institute cohort and supporting their projects through capital grants. Please register to reserve your ticket today and consider sponsoring this incredible opportunity.

Questions: If you have questions about this application or Institute, please contact us: