Due 4/8/21
CSH seeks a consultant who has demonstrated experience in Illinois Department of Corrections (IDOC) housing related policy as well as project management and facilitation with diverse stakeholders. The consultant will work with the CSH Illinois team to accomplish two goals. First, to develop and test a housing assessment tool, to be utilized with community members detained by IDOC. Second, to conduct a review of transitional housing program models and to recommend procurement and performance management revisions that result in IDOC increase capacity and data to evaluation the impact of transitional housing programs on participants.
Ideally, the consultant will be experienced in and have basic knowledge of IDOC policy and practice pertaining to housing for returning community members.
Planned activities:
Housing Assessment Tool Development |
Gather and review housing assessment tools and best practices nationally, for how other States assess for housing placement needs. |
Summarize findings and recommendations regarding housing assessment tools |
Support CSH in presenting housing assessment tool and soliciting feedback from contracted community-based entities |
Work with CSH to identify data collection protocols, as well as a work flow for how housing needs assessments are collected |
Establishing Performance Indicators for Transitional Housing |
Gather, review and analyze program models and performance indicators in Illinois and other locations to create a summary document on performance indicators for transitional housing |
Draft new measures for program accountability and a process that will support monitoring and data collection related to these measures. |
Expected Outcomes, Milestones, and Deliverables:
The planning for the assessment tool development begins in April 2021 and must be completed by September 30, 2021.
Deliverable 1: National scan of housing assessment tools and recommendations
Deliverable 2: Assist with testing of newly created tool and workflows
Deliverable 3: Assist in the development of performance metrics/indicators for transitional housing
Consultant qualifications and roles:
CSH understands that the scope of work requested may be conducted by a single consultant, a consultant group, or by an organization. The proposal should provide the name, title, address, telephone number, and email address for each person engaged in the project. If an organization, consultant group, or partnership of consultants is involved, the proposal should indicate who will serve as the point person for the work.
The proposal must describe the consultant’s qualifications to conduct the scope of work activities, expertise, knowledge, and experience. Experience should include examples of conducting similar or related work. The proposal should confirm that the consultant will carry out all of the activities described in the Planned Activities section above and should include the qualifications of staff assigned to the project.
Funding Available:
An amount not to exceed $18,000 is available for this project.
Application Process and Vendor Requirements:
To apply for this opportunity, email Julie Nelson at Julie.nelson@csh.org on or before April 8, 2021.
Applications may be submitted in any format the respondent chooses to use. Applications received before the deadline will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
- Demonstrated successful performance of substantially similar work;
- Relevant project work;
- Years of relevant experience; and
- Rate reasonableness and overall cost of services.
Special consideration will be given to small, disadvantaged, minority, or women owned businesses.
Please note that CSH requires subcontractors, including individuals and sole proprietors, to carry workers’ compensation and Commercial General Liability insurance while performing work under a CSH subcontract. CSH subcontractors should be registered with sam.gov and cannot have existing, pending or expired debarments that preclude them from doing business with the United States government and cannot have convictions for, nor have any pending indictments for, fraud or a criminal offense in connection with a public contract or subcontract.